Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The TWO most important ISSUES in YOUR LIFE

Until you fall in love with yourself, No one will love you any more than you love yourself

Image result for thinking man imageOne day, I went to do something with my bank. I will not mention the banks name because I did not get permission to mention its name. But this is what I saw as an inscription on one of the pictures hanging on the bank's wall. the words were as follows "The two most important issues in my life are Me and me" wow! this caught my attention and I realized that no one has authority in my  life except Me and me only.  No one can force me to get married or buy something until I say yes! Therefore, whether the world likes or not I have the power.

No one can abuse you any more than you have been abusing yourself. When others seem to be abusing you, they are only confirming what you have been doing to yourself. When you stand before the mirror, what do you say about yourself? Do you find everything wrong about the way you look? The final verdict you pronounce over your life is what others will see about you. 

Have you ever met people who always argue just to prove that their point of view is the correct one. Do you know what drives them? Low self esteem. A candle will always light up and shine no ,atter what you do. Don't try to convince everyone that you are good. your fruits will always show and speak for you. Like the Bible says "You shall know them by their fruits" and of course not the fruits they keeping talking or singing about that can never be demonstrated in their lives. 

Imagine, you don't agree with someone. Truly you may not really like the other person's point of view but you also have the power just to choose to agree to understand their point of view and end the argument. One can win the argument but they have not won the battle of truth. When things are happening around you and they are not good. True! but until you allow the circumstances to get inside your heart, they will not affect you.

Here is a lady, she is doing her best to look the best. The only problem she has is that she is the only one who looks like her. No matter how hard she tries to make her look different, she will always arrive at the same result and that is looking like the way she has described herself. Beauty comes from within. If anyone has declared from within their heart that they are beautiful no amount of pressure will intimidate them to try to look any different.

All the obstacles you are facing right now, you only have You and Yourself to deal with them and everything that you have been looking at as obstacles will simply disappear. By that I mean you will gather enough energy within yourself when you realize that every problem has been designed to the size of your destiny. Are you seeing a bigger problem? that is the size of your destiny that you are required to fight for.

One day I saw two people in a relationship (of course not married) arguing and the guy was really trying to be hard on the lady to drive a point of who owns who. I asked myself the question, they are not married but the egoistic fellow is behaving like the husband. I realize that because somebody said yes to the relationship, it is construed as the lady or man relinquishes their rights to pursue their passion freely. Whether it is right or wrong conception of facts, it's up to you to judge 

Get real with yourself and no one will take your authority away from you

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