Friday, November 13, 2015

One Reason WOMEN are SMARTER Than MEN

Image result for arguing couple imagesWisdom lies in the ability to hear what is not being said. One can be intelligent but not Smart and that's the dividing line

People say a lot of things when they are trying to drive a point. But many times they don't really say what they are really saying. If you want to probe further, you may ask the question, What are you not saying? In a bid to get to the real issue. Take an example of a couple arguing over a matter (in this case a Man and Woman). When you listen to their arguments, they all seem to have legitimate point over the issue under argument. But what is the problem? Why can't each one of them see the sense in the others point of view? 

A wife may be saying to the husband, I am tired of you coming late home, when she is actually saying I am tired of wearing the same clothes for five years. The only problem is that she expects the man to intuitively know what she is intuitively saying. But as intelligent as men can be, they take everything being said on face value and apply logic to it ending up offering a counter argument based on the words she used. The end result is a never ending war of words against hearts

Women speak in riddles most of the times. You are walking with your girl friend or wife down the shopping area and your partner notices a very nice dress, ornament or jewel and you hear her scream, "wow! this is so beautiful". In most cases, the man goes by and says '"OK it sure is". Wait a minute my man, you did not hear what she said. When you hear her say such things, in most cases if not all cases, she is saying could you please get this one for me honey, if not now when you have money? Don't you wonder why women will most of the time go to fellow women to pour out their problems. Women are able to listen to what their kind has been saying which the husband or boy friend did not have the skills to hear

Women will see things that men can't see. A man and a Woman can attend the same party but when you ask each one of them to tell you what happened at the party, you will hear two different versions of the party events as if the two attended different functions. Have you not ever heard your girl friend or wife, while attending a party together warn you and says to you its time to go. But I think you probably argued and insisted on staying on. I am sure that whatever happened as a consequence is for you to tell. Some women may not be involved in business, but they are in business by their nature and most of the time they will sense danger in a man's business dealings before hand. What I mean is that a woman has the ability to grow anything she holds or is given her possession. Give her a little love and she will give you more love than you can take. Give her a seed and she will give you back a bouncing baby but give her trouble and she will give you back 'Hell'. You get the picture. Its also good advice not to temper with the one who prepares your food. 

Like they say in my African proverbs "Don't Insult a Crocodile before you cross the river it lives in"

The next time you are with your girl friend of wife, please hear what she is not saying and answer the correct question. You will never hear her complain so much. She will refer to you as an understanding husband, boy friend etc. 

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