Monday, November 16, 2015


Image result for burden sharing imageA Life without a Coach might produce a Reproach

No man is an Island so goes the saying. A baby needs a Mother for nurturing, a toddler needs a parent to help through the first walking steps. We all need to go to some school to learn something to get us started in the life of learning

We all need people to shape us into a certain personality. Everybody you meet in life behaves or speaks in a certain way peculiar to a community, tribe or race and they will be identified as such maybe by their accent or mannerism. The bottom line is that no one can ever hope to become anything without a coach or a raw model. What the coach or raw model modes us into is another matter. for most of us, our raw models are our parents. We imitate and try as much as possible to be what our parents represented. The tragedy only comes if our parents never achieved anything or probably were drunkards.

We are shaped by the relationships that we keep. Some are healthy relationships and some are not. But if you are somebody pregnant with a  dream and you are passionate about it then there are three people you need to meet in life:
  1.  We all need a  burden sharer; If you have a dream, only another person with a dream or even bigger dream will understand your situation. You will need dreamers who are not afraid around you to encourage and empower you with the resolve to continue. The Bible has story of Mary the mother of Jesus Christ who at the time was pronounced pregnant by the Holy Ghost. She needed someone to share this with. Therefore, she went to see Elizabeth her cousin, who was also pregnant with John the baptist.
  2. We all need a dream maker; A dream maker is someone who puts form to your dream, they guide you on the path to your dream. A dream maker will usually make you see the dream happen in some form. They make you own the results of your dream even before it happens. The Bible tells a story of King Soul before he became a king. He went to look for his father's lost goats. The story gives Soul's encounter with Samuel the prophet who ended up making him the first King of Israel. Soul needed to meet a dream maker for him to become a King. He had gone out as goat hunter but came back with a Kingdom. You need to meet people who will give you the keys to the fulfillment of your dreams
  3. We need a Way maker; John the baptist was Jesus's way maker. Somebody who was willing to step aside and let Jesus play his role. You need people who will give you space to work and get your dream operational. Way makers can be someone who is willing to finance your dream or provide the necessary skills required by your dream
Life will line up burden sharers, dream makers and way makers if you have a dream and you are passionate about taking every necessary steps to achieving it. Many times we have dreams and we do not know what to do with what we are seeing. To every dream there is a sacrifice in terms of time, money and effort both physical and mental. Look around you, there may be someone who is achieving big things, ask them for a guidance. There are many life coaches around, ask for help. You dream only requires a little ignition for you to run with it. Don't waste time on losers.

Time to stop procrastination, putting things off for a later time. The only time is now. The obstacles you seem to be seeing in front of your dream are the steps you require to your destination.  

To your success 

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