Monday, September 25, 2017

Disruptive Thinking: I believe we are "Trapped in Content"

"You shall know them by their fruits and not the fruits they talk about" 

When people fail in life in whatever they are doing, one sign is clear, they talk too much. They talk the twists and turns of what has happened and what should have or what would have been. They just never sit to reflect on the lessons learned and move forward. Discussing the problem in all its corners but too afraid to discuss the solution. This reminds me of the poor believers seated in church pews faithfully listening to a new message of supposed hope, year in year out, one day looking forward to something magical happening in their lives for the best. The magic never happens but the content of hope continues every Sunday in different versions.

In my society people are experts in discussing problems in graphical details. We are so skewed to telling bad news to others in digital format if you like. People ensure that as they relay the bad news, they should see its impact on you the listener. Lucky for me I hate bad news and every time somebody begins to narrate some bad news, I have trained my ears to switch off. I also do not see the necessity of someone preaching to me the death of Jesus in graphical details because I do not see how that helps me. As far as I know, Jesus was resurrected and that's what's important to me, not the bad news of the passion of Christ scenario. Christians have been digging for solutions from the Bible for thousands of years between Genesis and Revelation. It seems the solution has been elusive within the Biblical content. Yet one of the most significant solutions most often heard is that you must believe in God, Receive Jesus as your personal savior, pray every day, read the Bible and Heaven shall open for you every blessing you want. While this may be true, it is not even a tenth of the truth that I believe Jesus Christ was talking about. Jesus, in one of his teachings to his disciples, said and I quote "greater things than these you shall do" (John 14:12).

I most often than not ask the question where today's technological innovations are hidden in the Bible. I think the problem is not where all these things are hidden but how we have interpreted the content that is supposed to show us the way to the treasure. I believe that you can be aware of the existence of a treasure but if you are using a wrong map, you will never get to it. Jesus refers to greater things to be done by those who believe in Him John 14:12. Where were these greater works hidden? In the Bible? I do not think so because the bible is just content of wisdom and cannot create anything on its own. Greater works or creations must lie with the creator in charge. In fact, Jesus in his speech refers to the noun 'YOU' meaning in you and I who live today, greater things and works are hidden inside each one of us to bless this world with. Great innovations have been done by people from different religious beliefs, therefore, greater works have nothing to do with religion or one's way of worship. Otherwise, if that were true great innovators and rich individuals would all come from one religion. I believe Greater works have been crying out inside each one of us except they manifest as problems because, if you think about it, there is no solution if there is no problem. You find a solution to society's problem, you have just found yourself a cash cow. But what do we do in times of problems? We cry and we faithfully go to whatever book to find a solution and unfortunately, some solutions can't be found in books because they are hidden in the creator in you.

Spiritual books are important but we have ended up trapped in the content and never use the occasion to reflect on ourselves and awaken the greater in us to do exploits. We are the only creature that has the potential to rethink, reprogram, and do greater things at every level of life. If technology fails to remain at the same level why should we as superhumans remain stagnant. The next-generation robotics which is based on neural networks are now able to reprogram their actions when faced with a new scenario even without the aid of human programmers. Technology is changing so fast that soon we will have robots walking around as women competing as prostitutes or wives.

We have read our Holy books such as the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and we all know that God loves us and that fact is not debatable no matter how much we ponder on it. We can cry, laugh or worship, it does not change who God is. The only let down is the human being (in whom God has manifested) walking around like a headless chicken afraid to take risks and not realizing the amount of power we possess because of the material we are made off. (God Material)

We have been  'TRAPPED IN CONTENT' for far too long. Think about this, you can talk about a product like a power generator and its potential in detail, but if you do not switch it on, you will never experience the electricity the generator can generate. Stop being a content freak and let's get on to some action.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Disrupting My Childhood Thinking: God in the Image of Man?

Your PURPOSE explains what you are doing with your life. Your VISION explains how you are living your purpose.  Your GOALS enables you to realize your vision. 
~Bob Proctor

Orlando A. Battista a writer once said: "an error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it". It was during my early years in life that I learned something through my so-called Christian upbringing when my grandmother used to tell me stories (from the scripture from her perspective) on how God will come finally to destroy this wonderful world deemed wicked with Fire. The idea of a blazing fire running unimpeded scorching every creature in its path really horrified me.  I found myself in the middle of a perceived war of two forces. In my thinking, there was on one side a God probably sitting in a server room monitoring every wrong move and ready to met out punishment and ensuring I was on the right spiritual track and on the other hand a devil with horns who was ready to take me with him to hell. Nowhere to run!

Looking around me today, I see a lot of people who go to church just to escape hell and hope probably to qualify to go to heaven a land of milk and honey but with one catch, you have to die first to get there. However, to pass the exam to enter Heaven seems so far fetched as a man seems to have the default settings to break God's righteous commands every six seconds. They lie for the so-called right reasons (so-called white lie) and they claim forgiveness thereafter as Jesus is believed to have taken away the sin of man.  In my curiosity, I have often wondered why a God who is so obsessed with perfection would put the extreme ability in man to break the same law they are supposed to keep knowing full well they won't keep it! As though God's commands are not enough, religious denominations have come up with further rules or we can kindly call them terms of reference for every believer to follow failure to which they attract punishment in the name of God. These sub laws also differ from one denomination to another such as don't wear this fashion or that etc (kind of spiritual fashion police for lack of a better word). Take a look at this YouTube documentary on the tribes of the Amazon who do not wear clothes (The Tribes of the Amazon forest) Even when these tribes are given clothing, they wear them inside their huts but walk naked outside the huts. Does the lifestyle of the tribes of the Amazon forest challenge our definition of decency or the question of right or wrong to be relative? Forgive me if I have missed something about religious affairs. The New Testament records a story of a lady who was caught in the very act of sexual immorality (probably considered level one sins or spiritual felony) and she was brought to Jesus so that he can pronounce the ultimate judgment according to the written law for this serious spiritual sin. Well to cut that story short, Jesus neither condemned nor judged the woman but encouraged her to make the right choices and do good (paraphrased) John 8:3-9. 

Fast forward to today, if that lady caught in adultery was in today's church, the supreme religious law would be meted to the letter and she would be used as an example, in the worst-case scenario be excommunicated from the church, Meaning she is too unholy to keep around the clean ones. It seems in today's religious perspective if you are not caught in the act, you are not guilty of any spiritual crimes. I am sure our minds are our best judges of what we do when no one is looking and we are all alone. I see female preachers in the western world preaching wearing pair of trousers with no objection but it seems to be a spiritual crime in some parts of Africa for a female preacher to be clad in trousers ministering the gospel. I don't know the devil they see in the trousers. Does this mean the spirit in the west accepts women in trousers and the spirit in Africa takes exception to women in trousers on the pulpit? What is right and wrong seems to be relative to where one is, it seems. How can the Biblical truth be relative? But all this is done in the name of God (subjugating the female class in the name of God!). While Christians describe God as love, they still add conditions to that Godly love. It's Like they are saying well! God loves you but! One thing I do know is that the only ones who still put conditions to their love are human beings and not God. We have been trying to define God in our human image. We add this earthly father figure to the image of God ready to correct a child without sparing the rod. We all know that in life anything you do has consequences. You want love, give love, you want money, give money. Whatever you are missing in life is what you are not giving away simple. Like the Bible says you reap what you sow. You don't even need the devil to help you with that. In today's theology, Not even the grace of God is free, they always find something somewhere to add to ensure it convinces someone the grace is not totally free. Why? I think its a quest to make sure the gospel fits our traditions so that it is acceptable. Politically correct if you like!

What happened to the "blessed are the fearless, for they shall know God". We are so obsessed with spreading a fear-based gospel that we even re-enact the Old Testament rituals to make the fear appear so real to all followers so as to keep them in check. Its as though God ceases to be God until people worship Him. The Christian Bible describes God as Love. But What is Love? Because fear has been so magnified in the teaching of the gospel disguised as attaining righteousness, most believers spend most of their lives trying to perfect their act to meet the perceived God standard in their lives and in the process forgetting that they have a life on earth to live for which the same God wants them to discover themselves, show forth His glory and account for their talents and potential.  

Genesis 1: 26 records and I quote "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 
Gen 1:27  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 

Therefore, why are we trying to define God in our own image? And not letting God be God. We are putting God in a box defined by our own tradition. Where is the God we are looking for? in outer space or up where? You and are I are divinity in disguise, we hold the form in which life is striving to fashion itself. When the seed of God was planted in man, it was ready to germinate and take its form effortlessly. Yet we have come to believe the seed of God is not yet in us and hence, we spend the rest of our lives looking for God and His miracles. We look everywhere for God except inside ourselves because it does not fit our religious construct. We walk as victims of circumstance waiting for a miracle to happen which doesn't happen. Whilst we have been waiting for God, God has also been waiting for us since we are the ones with the mandate to operate in the physical realm. Don't waste your energy trying to judge others by their color, race, tribe, language or by what they wear or look like, nothing you can conceive in your mind is the correct version of the presence of God. God will work in His own ways. In order to fill in the gap, we have resorted to our own Egos for identity which requires a title and manipulation of others in order to sustain control over others. We mistakenly call our ego as the true presence of God's power when it is our own deficiency we are trying to hide. The true power lies in our authentic self inside each one of us and it does not need the mind to comprehend or make sense of it.

For once try to go within, in meditation to find what you have been looking for from without. Some wisdom I have learned in life is that Two Things Define You: 1- Your Patience when you have nothing and 2 - Your attitude when you have everything. When you find what you are looking for, keep this in mind lest what is supposed to be your salvation ends up destroying you

I am out

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Disruptive Gospel: Confidence

Inaction breeds doubt and fear.  Action breeds confidence and courage.  If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.
~Dale Carnegie

Life has been designed to happen for us and not to us. Life effortless shows up for each one of us not to torment us but as a gift. Everything that has been created under the heavens happens effortlessly. The Rose flower blossoms effortlessly, the birds fly with the least efforts and the grass needs no one’s permission to shoot from the ground effortlessly. Humans grow older every day effortlessly. Therefore, the man was created to grow into wealth and abundance effortlessly by the same divine law. The examples are all over for everyone to see. The poor are working 10 times harder just to scrape a little to merely survive while the rich are effortlessly amassing more wealth. Why not then re-look at how others are achieving things effortlessly. We owe it to ourselves and the generations coming after us

Life does not just happen, but it happens justly for all those who understand the natural laws that govern the universe. If you jump off from a tall building, you will be subject to the law of gravity and if you haven’t taken any precaution you will jump straight to your death in the worst-case scenario for free. If you jump into a body of water like a river or the sea and you do not understand the principle of buoyance you will definitely drown while otherwise learn to cooperate with the water body, float, and swim. Therefore, the fact that life happens for us all, only those who understand the principles of experiencing wealth and prosperity enjoy the abundance that life is loaded with.

Many have grown up with the mindset that there is not enough of everything to go round in life, therefore, they set out to work as hard as they can and compete to get what they can. If all you want is to compete against others, you have a very poor mindset. This, I believe is as the old adage goes ‘No pain, no gain’ right? Wrong! Just Begin to cultivate the idea that everything I need is already here for me to experience with the least effort. You are the supercomputer that God has placed on earth to do exploits effortlessly. You are built with the right firmware to process instructions, divine software to provide the wealth program, and the hardware to act and bring forth the desired output of your life. Of course producing children has been the least effortless action people seem to know even without any kind of tuition. Guess who seems to have more children between the rich and poor? your guess is as good as mine.

The Judaic Bible actually says in Hosea 4: 6 that ‘My people die because of lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children’. I have learned in life that every computer works with information and instructions to carry out a task. No information is also information because the output is nothing. You need to begin to gain information every day for that supercomputer called YOU to begin to produce something in your life. For example, begin by saying to yourself ‘I am living a wealthy and abundant life’. I know that your current mindset based on your current status will try to cry out ‘the hell you do’. But remember you are only declaring the final desired destiny and God will take care of how that is achieved but you must start the journey. This must give you the confidence to act because you don’t even know how you have managed to grow old to where you are right now; the how is God’s business.

When you continuously affirm to yourself wealth and abundance every day, you will begin the process of changing your life’s root programming (in your subconscious) and you will likely start acting in accordance with your affirmation. During this time pay attention to every idea or thought that comes into your mind because God needs your cooperation to achieve your goal. It could be an idea as simple as starting a small business or beginning to write stories or starting a website to promote small businesses the list is endless. Whatever you begin to imagine as you affirm wealth and abundance, begin to add drama to it such as the kind of lifestyle, homes, cars, travel, positive effects on others, charity, etc. create a High Definition (HD) movie of the life you desire where you are the main star in it. Don’t start worrying about whether it's achievable or not, just believe and act in your own small way and know that the great mastermind who specializes in ‘THE HOW’ will eventually make it happen if you do not faint. In all this drama, you are responsible to play your part and provide the action. Don't expect God who created the mountains to come and climb them for you!

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Disruptive Gospel part 5: Be Bold and Don’t Calculate a Doomsday Scenario in Advance

You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and falling over.

~Richard Branson 

The philosopher Peter F. Drucker says this about building a leader and I quote “Leadership is not magnetic personality — that can just as well be a glib tongue. It is not ‘making friends and influencing people’ — that is flattery. Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to high sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations”

Every man and woman was born a leader of their own destiny because everything we see and experience all fall within our different realms of perceptions and focus. No two people will ever go through the same experience in the exact same manner. Therefore, what each one experiences is a setup from God, knowing beforehand that God has already invested sufficient resources in the person to overcome whatever, challenges lay ahead. This is the confidence that we all should have that any battle I can face, I already have enough armour resident in me to win.

Nature has shown us this phenomenon which can be referred to as the principle of least resistance. When one plants seeds of maize in the ground, we do not doubt that the soil in which the seed is planted will give way to the growing plant with least resistance. When a woman conceives she will not do anything to make the baby grow with human aspects and parts because everything has already been programmed in the seed to be achieved. Humans play no part in ensuring that a baby in the womb has the head, hands legs etc. because all these parts are already designed to form effortlessly in accordance with the divine law.

Learning from the foregoing, the ability for the success you require to achieve is already invested in you, way before you were born. The only reason everything seem not to be working is that you are trying to figure out how to do it. People have told you that you can’t and you have believed them or there are no mentors around you who also don’t know that they don’t know that they need to succeed beyond the norm of the society you live in. Sometimes you want to be sure it can be done. Martin Luther King Jr. puts it perfectly that you don’t have to see the entire stairway to get started. The only thing a child who is trying to learn to walk needs is simply to see others walking and the child will not be afraid to get started without following any specific rules. No matter how many times the child falls and cries they never stop trying until they begin to walk and run. You are no different. If you are able to read this, then I know that you will keep on trying and failure is not final for you.

The only thing you need to know whether you are in Africa, America, Asia or Europe is just to see the evidence that others have been successful and started their own business. It does not matter how hard people may say it is to do it, just be bold. It is true that you will fall along the way but no matter how many times you fall, rise up and keep trying until you win. What’s the worst thing that can happen when you stick out your neck? Someone says no or the situation doesn’t work out as planned. The best thing that could happen, however, is that you become wildly successful. So why not give yourself an opportunity to win? Take more chances. But don’t calculate a doomsday scenario in advance. The odds are in your favour. Remember: When you play it overly safe, you miss incredible opportunities that were ripe for the picking. Open your eyes to the universe of all possibilities.

 See you part 6

Friday, September 8, 2017

Disruptive Gospel Part 4: Rise Above the Fear of Failure

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, learning from failure
~Colin Powel

Michael Jordan, the celebrated American NBA star once said "I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed". Thomas Edison the inventor also said Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I will show you a failure. Every successful man or woman you see in life has a life story that is mixed with failure along the way. Overcoming life's toughest test is what produces great testimonies. Its your failures that will make your life story the greatest story because it is not how high a man has risen that makes them great but how deep the hole they managed to rise from. Its the foundation and not the height that hold the Sky scraper building 

Failure is important in one's life because it is what provides opportunities for growth. The toughest and roughest circumstances we face in life are important. Life can throw you in the darkest places. People can throw all sorts of dirt at you. But remember every crop needs manure to bloom into the life giving products we enjoy and it does not even smell of the manure from which it was planted to grow. The pain you experience in life may be unbearable, but when in pain stop and listen to what the pain is saying to you. It is in times of pain when the greatest and innovative part of you is born. Learn what the pain is trying to teach you. You have attributes and talents that you may not even be aware you posses that can come out and propel you to your destiny in the times of pain. Therefore, don't curse the pain of life but thank God for it and welcome it as it is manure for the new you who is about to emerge out of the pain. Don't see the shit and complain but instead turn it into fertilizer

Whatever you do in life don't be afraid to start something. When you set yourself to start anything, don't ask the question what if it fails; this is the wrong question. If anything What if you succeed, wouldn't that count for something! The best way to get started is to ask the question, What is the best that could happen when I try this? it could be starting a new business or writing a book. Whatever the best you see that can come out of it, that is what you should concentrate on and keep your focus on. Don't waste your energy thinking about the worst that could happen because success is not the absence of failure. 

To quote Donald Trump, I would say "Get going. Move forward. Aim High. Plan a takeoff. Don’t just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane. It simply won’t happen. Change your attitude and gain some altitude. Believe me, you’ll love it up here. 

To sum it all according to Martin Luther King Jr, If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.

See you Part 5   

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Disruptive Gospel Part 3: Forget what other people think

You control your future, your destiny.  What you think about comes about.  By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be.  Put your future in good hands - your own.
~ Mark Victor Hansen

When we are born in this life, we show up as fine human beings from the Lord's production lines loaded with all possibilities and unlimited potential until the societies we find ourselves in begins to define us into its paradigm of belief systems. This is the point at which we become our tribes, clans, groups etc. If one is born in what is called a collectivist society where the group thinking is the norm and individual dreams are considered secondary, so we become. On the other hand if we find ourselves growing up in an individualistic society where individual goal achieving is the primary norm, so we grow up to become. Its not my place to judge which society is good or bad. The important thing I know is that the Lord allowed each one of the earth's inhabitants to show up with a specific purpose to show forth God's glory. We are born with different talents and attributes not as a source of competitiveness but to complement each other.

There is only one of you on this earth and anyone else trying to be you is an impostor. You are unique and there is none like you. You are the same today, yesterday and forever. Therefore, no one will ever do what you can do and add to this life. If you don't offload what you came with into this life, you will go with it to the grave and will always be a life un-lived and the greatest story untold. There are no limitations in life unless the ones we set for ourselves. People have called you names such as you are not good enough, you are ugly and you will never amount to anything in this life. You have ended up believing this crap, pondered on it, cried your eyes out for free over something that is never truth until you make it come true on your life yourself because you are own prophet. What you believe about your life is what will become. . 

Striving to secure praise and avoid blame is a recipe for disaster. Forget about it! You are your own best barometer. What matters most is what you think. So practice self-reliance; it’s critical. Doubt is simply a distraction. Don’t allow it to permeate your thoughts or influence your judgment. Muzzle the mental noise by leveraging positive thoughts and experiences from your arsenal. Use your mind to your advantage because the confusion prevailing in your mind that weakens your thoughts is the false belief that there is a power or powers outside you greater than the power within you. Everything you want is out there waiting for you to get. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it. Don't ask anybody on what you can or cannot do because they cannot know as they have never been you. Begin to dream bigger than big and make that picture plain and clear. Your dream will be an inspiring picture of the future that will energize your mind, will, and emotions, empowering you to do everything you can to achieve it. A genuine dream is a picture and blueprint of a person's purpose and potential waiting to happen.

Stop and listen to the inner guidance. Let everyone else be a liar. You have tried to live by other people's standards such that you have even tried to live by what the education system has defined you to be. Pause and open your eyes and see the opportunities that life has for you. Get out of the routine thought system for it has behaved as a filter to your vision not allowing you to see clearly who you really are supposed to be.

See you in part 4

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Disruptive Gospel Part 2: Get Uncomfortable of being Comfortable

Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere

While it has felt so good to be found in the churches worshiping the almighty God, praising, thanking and asking for His grace, it is strange that the people who have been asking seem not to have been receiving. I believe that the act of receiving must be understood in its context. Three phases are clear in the process of creation namely conception or word (idea), speaking the word and action. When one phase is missing creation is never present. You can conceive an idea but without action it will remain a pipe dream. When you also act without a defined goal, you are simply shooting in the dark that produces nothing. Anyone can flap their hands in water and can swim but only those who have prepared for a swimming contest mentally and physically win swimming contests. Don't sing your problems but sing yourself into destiny with appropriate action. Whatever you don't want in your life, don't talk about it. Talk about the good things in your life  

The problem with the believer who is supposedly the inheritor of God's blessing, is that they pray, praise and worship but they never act towards their destiny. And because the expected blessings take too long to show up in their lives, the believer's songs become full of worry, fear and complaints. Alas! believers have suffered the full consequences of the fears and complaints in the songs they sing so passionately. This is because whatever one pays attention to expands in one's life because of the life's energy we invest in it. It is time to challenge the status quo that has not produced tangible results so far and disrupt it with a new mindset. People have resigned themselves to being comfortable with the status quo. Believers associate wealth to evil and forget that its God who is the owner of all wealth. Therefore, whatever they don't understand they paint it black.

Disruptive gospel requires that you get uncomfortable with the way things are in your life. Why should you accept to be average when you can be extra-ordinary. You are your only real competition, so choose to step outside of your comfort zone and conquer any weaknesses. Get into the habit of raising your standards and expectations by challenging yourself to do more and better. There is no School where students never graduate into some higher level of some sort. such a school is a danger to society. Even a Christian needs to graduate into the end game of the message and that is to prosper above all things.

Get yourself out of the clouds and put your fit firmly on the ground and change the world around you as it has been waiting for your to fashion itself in the form you give it 

See you in part 3   

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Disruptive Gospel: Part 1

"Working Hard on your Job makes you a Living but Working hard on yourself makes you a life" Jim Rhon
The term Disruptive Gospel has been coined from what is being called Disruptive Thinking” which is being described as getting “out-of-the-box”, breaking routine thinking.  It’s about gaining new, fresh perspective and seeing things from another angle or in another light.  In business it’s moving from simply working “in” your business to working “on your business.”

Its about looking at the Bible with fresh kingdom lenses and determine how the 2000+ year old spiritual text can be used to solve today's life's dynamics. One of my famous disruptive thinkers was Jesus Christ whose message was at variance with Judaic form of spirituality. While the Jewish leaders expected God to be sitting in the Holy of Hollies behind the curtain in the temple, a young Jewish Teacher (Rabbi) was proclaiming God to be everywhere and worse inside each one of the people. The message was so disruptive that Spiritual leaders of the time had their brains running in exception and crushing such that the only thing they could think off was to kill the messenger and stop the message. That is what I believe religion is doing to most of us today.

Printed house in China and ready for
The Jewish spiritual leaders preached a fear based religion while Jesus preached a message of freedom and exploits. Today, religion still infects followers with fear such that their ability to be innovative is constricted and only able to find solace in the coming Heaven. I submit to you today that the majority have not been thinking because they don't even know that they are not thinking. As a matter of fact Jesus said 'Greater things than these you shall you do'. Life is changing exponentially such that even the super computers in our brains has lagged behind. The believer who is supposedly talking to the Holy Ghost is equally being taken by surprise by technology. I wonder what we are discussing with the Holy Ghost that is if we are really talking to the One? We are at the tail end of receiving the effects of disruptive innovations which are changing the way we live and how we judge right or wrong. Innovation has changed to a level where countries have even began to print houses in a 24 hour time frame instead of relying on brick and mortar houses building procedures that take ages to build and complete a house (This uses a gigantic 3D Printer to do the Job on the physical ground). Its no longer OK to spend your life working without building your own business empire, to remain as tail end vendors that gather coins. Religion has done more harm to our mindset and personal worth such that we think being holy and good people is the best you can be. But being holy and broke is the worst evil you can ever be because you can never impact others positively and above all you can never be the light to others because there is definitely no light in your life for others to see and learn how they can rise from the yoke of poverty   

If you want to overcome barriers to reaching your goals in life, you better saddle up and learn to use the power of disruptive thinking. Don't use your yesterday's story how the ancestors lived to change your future. How do you move?

1. Challenge the Status Quo
So far you have played the game of the crowd and you have only managed to get to where everyone is. But simply going along to get along is an ineffective strategy that often compromises values and relationships. Don’t be afraid to question institutional memory, so-called best practices or decisions that appear problematic. You have prayed, fasted and given financial seed to spiritual leaders and you have been waiting for that illusive break though that never crosses your path. You have enjoyed the bible story and have been too afraid to find out the truth hidden behind the story. You keep lying to yourself by believing that the hidden should remain with God and the known for you. You are afraid to be called an outside if you question the status quo that never produces any fruit. You believe you are a believer with fruits that have so far been invisible.Surely there is something you are missing. When you brag about success you give examples of Steve Jobs the Apple creator, Bill Gates etc. yet you never ask the questions regarding the story behind the glory of these men and women. You want to change circumstances without changing the cause of it. You believe you can harvest Oranges from a Guava tree. Ask yourself the question, where does God reside? Because where ever you have been looking for Him, He will never be found because according to Jesus, He lives inside you. Think and Stop doing the same thing over and over hoping to get a different result. Somebody called that madness. Whatever, you have been waiting for is already inside you and you have been waiting with it.

Begin to aim for the Top which is forever vacant but the bottom is ever over-crowded

Catch you Part 2

In Their eyes We Looked like Grasshoppers

  WE are so Great as Africans no wonder someone has spent all their energies to convince us that we are nothing. Unfortunately, we have beli...