Sunday, August 13, 2023

Turning my Pain into Power (extract from my biography)

 “Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Anonymous

Whatever you are going through right now is a setup by life itself. It's God’s way of putting your life’s raw materials in your hands and you have the capacity to turn it into whatever you desire positive or negative.  Like they say, “It’s not what happens to you that matters but how you react to what happens to you that matters. Those you consider dear to you could have even thrown you down a hellhole to kill or destroy you. Maybe you could be going through what you consider the most horrific pain of your life, rejection, abandonment, divorce, childlessness, brokenness, abuse even saving prison time for a crime committed or not. You and you only can turn that pain into hate, depression, anger against everyone around you or you can turn your pain into your power. We all have a choice. Imagine you are alone in the forest and you are confronted by a hungry Lioness, what would you do to save yourself? Do you start a prayer session? Do you start blaming the person who led you to the forest? Or do you, for a moment realize how the hands you have can be used to defend yourself or how your own legs short or long can come in hand to suddenly transform you into a “Usain Bolt” or a Zambian “Muzala” run like a bullet to safety from danger!  

One of the greatest lessons I have learned in life is that when you are shipwrecked in the turbulent sea of life and everything around you is falling apart, don’t ever jump ship because you can easily be swept by the stormy water and drown. In the midst of life’s shipwreck, look around the remaining pieces of your life and grab to hold on to a piece that might allow you to keep afloat to the safety of the shoreline. When life puts you in a place where you are consumed by the pain of rejection, divorce, abuse or joblessness its suicidal to resort to temporal safety of vane things like excessive alcohol intake, drug abuse, or inconsequential habits and relationships such as gangs of all sorts. Remember Gangs are just a group of frightened people whose identity is nothing without the gang because individually they are lost souls. There is always one thing (a piece of the shipwreck) in life you should never lose but hold on to and that is HOPE. The hope that God loves you and His thoughts towards you are thoughts to prosper you no matter the circumstances, but He needs and counts on your active participation.  Like God wants you to eat but you are the one with the hands, hence, you have to do the actual cooking yourself. But if you like you can choose the spiritual path of praying for a well-cooked meal and hope the food will cook itself by faith. The choice is yours!

A year after the turn of the millennium somewhere in the year 2001 and after the reboot of my life (discussed in the chapter “turning the page”), I got a second job in a start-up IT company in Kitwe in the Copperbelt province of Zambia. The company had a rough start and getting our monthly pay was a nightmare as business was really bad. The whole period I was there, I don’t remember getting a full pay and the pain of not getting a salary was almost consuming my soul badly. At the time I was being kept by my aunt, a very kind woman with a sweet soul and I really thank God for her generosity towards the helpless me at the time. Without a stable income I couldn’t even contribute to buying the daily necessities of the home and the guilt was killing me. This situation was almost making me to start lamenting painfully why God should allow me to have a job, report for work every day and yet not getting a salary at the end of the month. Believe me. It wasn’t easy at all and the pain of brokenness and loneliness I felt was real. I had three children at the time my son was being kept by his uncle and my two little daughters were being kept by their grandmother who also didn’t have an income and I had no way of taking care of them financially. I was in a turbulent storm that was drowning me fast under the water of pain with nowhere to turn. I could have chosen to become a beggar or look for ways of getting quick cash through crooked fellows I met every now and then who really wanted to be my friends which of course would have come with a deadly price.

As everything around me was weighing me down and was considering my options on what to do next, suddenly a flashback from a teaching I came across in the early 90s by Dr. Myles Munroe became so vivid in my mind. This was a teaching on the most important questions one must keep asking themselves at every stage of their life. Two questions jumped out prominently “Why am I and why am I here”. It was like a light bulb of wisdom had just been lit in my life. In the twinkling of an eye, I became curious about my surroundings. The “Why am I here” question made me to start to look around the office I was working in to consider what was there. I realized suddenly as if  I had not even been working in that same office for some time and that there were desktop computers fully installed with all the Microsoft applications ready to be explored. It was like they (the computers) have! been there staring at me probably saying “Bright, we are here and we have what you need in the future, dummy!”. That moment taught me a fundamental lesson that, for starters, I could have been getting a salary that could be spent and finished in a day and be broke again without money and the cycle would be continuing over and over all through the year. But I could alternatively explore knowledge, computer knowledge, and skills that no one can delete from my mind or life ever with the potential of giving me an opportunity to continue earning income beyond my current job. Money can be taken away from me at any time but knowledge can never be taken away. Nobody can tell you to forget what you have learned or the skills you have acquired. That moment became the beginning of my pursuit of mastery in computing as a lifelong skill. That day I realized my purpose for being there and God had placed me in the right place at the right time where everything I needed was present and readily available at my will. I channeled my pain into a positive pain to educate and build myself. I started going to work as early as possible so that I could have at least one hour of learning practical computer skills before everyone else reported at 8hrs at the office. Realizing why I was in that company gave me the drive and the joy to keep working despite not getting a salary. I knew then that God was not interested in my earning a salary but in the development of that which should be the generator of lifelong income. Liberating phenomena as it was, I chose to be grateful every day for the gift of life and the divine opportunity I had to be in the "place" without a salary. Many times, we want to choose the place where we think we should be. Places that look replete with great opportunities. We look for packages wrapped in gold packages believing there is gold inside. However, experience has taught us otherwise. Gratitude has been my everyday mantra and has been my “Alladin’s” magic carpet to fly me to places of my grace.  I am grateful for everything I have or not, even my enemies too. Try it!

As a positive consequence of newly discovered treasure, I designed my own program to teach my co-workers everything I was learning in secret, in the early hours of each day before they reported for work as a way to remember and sharpen my computer skills in specialized areas such as web design, spreadsheets, data analysis, databases with Microsoft Access, Computer graphics, Word Processing, Computer hardware repair, and Computer Networking plus many other computer related subjects. (of course, along the way I have since attained Bachelors and Masters Degrees). Academic credentials are also important because while you may have great skills, employers of companies may not trust your word and they will usually ask for evidence of training such as Certificates, Diplomas, or Degrees that sort of thing. In my pursuit of knowledge, I learned common things I know computer users knew and advanced topics they didn’t know and through that, I made a pledge that whenever someone asked me to teach them one thing in computer and computing, I will teach them 10 things more which I know they need to know without asking for any kind of pay. Through that teaching approach, I have gained mastery in productive computing skills which to this day, I generously give away through mentorship programs to anyone willing to learn.

The skills I developed in what could be described as my painful era, have over the years brought me before Kings, great men and women, and consequently the beautiful life I live today. That’s how I turned my Pain into the Power that has transformed my life today. However, when you gain this Power, blend it with Love for others in the Blender of humanity guided by God because we are all just a “pencil in the hands of the writer” who is God Almighty. Do not use the gained power to degrade or make others powerless. Power in the hands of an ignorant man will eventually destroy the power holder. Don’t be deceived.

What are you going through today? Maybe you are a doctor or nurse. Have you asked yourself why you are that and working in a hospital? Have you considered the possibility that maybe you chose that career because God placed a hospital inside you and it has been crying out from the inside of you and God has allowed you to work in a hospital setting to learn how to manage such facilities before you eventually own one. Maybe you even wonder why your bosses are always on your case to the point of considering quitting! Don’t quit and don’t give up. You are in the right place where examples of how different people can be a pain in the butt are also present so that you are fully prepared well enough for future challenges. In whatever career you have chosen, you may just be another industry type yet to become, and right now it's still inside you unmanifested and life has placed you in the cooking pot of preparation. Just imagine how many people will remain jobless if that company in you does not manifest one day! Make no mistake, I am not saying go and resign today but you must be aware of the cooking pot of preparation and begin your pursuits with wisdom

Maybe you are not able to have a child and you have done everything to have one. Have you considered the possibility that maybe, and just maybe there is a vulnerable child somewhere waiting for you to adopt and become his or her dream parent longed for! While other men and women fortunate enough to bare their own children end up abusing the little innocent children.  God does not make mistakes

Well as for me, one bright sunny day, Lo and behold, everything I learned, the skills I sharpened, and the knowledge I gained during my days of pain came to fulfill their divine purpose in my life in one unexpected but precious moment of potential exhortation to a position of prominence. It was that kind of moment when a candidate only has one shot at glory like Joseph stood before the Pharaoh of Egypt with the power to exhort you or kill you metaphorically speaking, that I stood a similar test … (read the chapter “Experiencing the Joseph Effect”)


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