Friday, August 11, 2023

The reason my heart kept beating when I should have died (Extract from my Biography)

 The untold story of how I have lost one week of my life “How purpose saved my life” 

How My Two daughters saved me from the claws of death

One evening in the year 2007 though I can’t remember the exact date maybe because it is the most painful period of my life which I have never talked about for the last 16 years. Suddenly, I felt a headache that wouldn’t go away easily. I tried to take some painkillers but it simply got worse by the minute and came to a point where it became unbearable and my body was slowly losing its balance. At the time I was living with my two little daughters. The eldest was in grade 8 and the youngest was in grade 2. Fearing the worst, I contacted a colleague from work who, on arrival decided to rush me to the University Teaching Hospital Lusaka driving his car like a racer in a Formula 1 motor racing competition. Meanwhile, I was gradually losing consciousness on the way to the hospital

Finally, in the emergency room at the hospital, lights flashed in my eyes as doctors were trying to do everything to stabilize my condition as I receded into unconsciousness in the midst of other patients. As the doctors were attending to me however, I could see through my sleepy eyes how what looked like smoke getting out of other patients like something is evaporating from respective bodies into thin air and I realized in an instant that it was not smoke but people moving into the afterlife evidenced by relative screams of loss. It was at that point that I realized I was witnessing the death of other patients in real-time and I could be next in line to be shipped too as I was no longer in control of my reflexes. I can’t remember how, but in that moment, the picture of my two daughters I had left at home with the promise of coming back after treatment came into my mind and I reminded God that I had two little daughters and a son all of who were about to be orphaned with no one to take care of them and if I had to go He (God) needed to come down himself and tell my children why I was going to miss their next birthdays, their graduations even not to be present to see their children and above all not to be there to provide for them as they journey through life. I had promised them when I was rushed to the hospital that I was going to be back home soon and somebody needed to keep that promise.  My two daughters and son at the time were my reason and purpose for living. With the last breath of effort, I presented my daughters before God and requested not to be taken away from and suddenly everything around me became dark and I only woke up or became conscious a week later. During that week, I don’t know where I was because it is still blank and dark to this day. It’s as if that week never existed or lived at all. That’s the week I cannot account for to this day in my life. I finally woke up from the "nowhere" and the first thing I saw before me was my eldest daughter standing at the edge of the hospital bed with tears in her eyes probably wondering and I don't know what at the age of 10.

I shed tears today when I see My daughter who was in grade 8 at the time, who is now a distinguished Biomedical scientist and the younger one who at the time was in grade 2 is now a lawyer. One thing is clear, they saved my life. When life gives you a 2% chance of survival, just remember that 2% is better than 0%. Fill your heart and mind with your purpose or reason for living no matter the odds because that purpose might just be the fuel your life may need to keep your heart beating in your darkest hour.  The purpose must not be about you but about positively affecting others for their good AND with great Love. Does it mean that having a purpose will protect you from the valley of the shadow of death? Nope! Its like when your life is full of purpose, your walk in the valley becomes your potion. Why? Wisdom grows out of pain and nobody ever became the greatest athlete from just sleeping 24hrs. whenever you pray for wisdom you are asking for pain and the valley of the shadow of death is the best university for that. The following is what life has taught me;

  • Forgive even if it's painful to do so. Forgiveness does not just release the forgiven but it releases the forgiver more to experience a life of bliss. A life of joy that owes no one anything but free to soar like the great Eagle
  • Forgive yourself for any past mistakes you have consciously or unconsciously committed and don’t keep beating yourself about what should have or not have been done. It’s the past and don’t go fishing there  
  • When people reject me! Its because God needs me alone to show me who I am supposed to be without other people’s shadows interfering with my real image and identity in God’s own eyes. It's only when you have experienced rejection can you have the wisdom to help others to navigate through such in life. As for me, despite having been rejected in the most horrible way by those who I considered dear to me, I am here still standing and sharing my story to strengthen somebody. Today, I thank God for the rejection because through it I have found myself  
  • When people defile me and throw me on the rubbish dump of life! I remind myself that Rubbish is the manure that productive plants grow better in. Some people said it to my face that I would amount to nothing and wouldn’t go anywhere. I thank God they used the word ‘go’ in the sentences because I did go somewhere beyond their imagination, Europe, Hong Kong, Japan, and other African countries to become an even better version of myself that people see today
  • When people throw shit at me, shit is the source material for fertilizer that enables the world to feed billions of people. There was a time in my early days in the big city of Lusaka, I experienced difficulties to find where to stay and ended up renting a one room in one of what could be considered slum areas at the time called the KUKU compound with no proper sanitation facilities. I didn’t complain because one room was better than no room at all. To cut the story short within one year I moved from the slums to one of the most affluent residential areas of Lusaka called Rodes Park and all cleaned up including driving my own cars. Life has never been the same since then. However, some so-called Christians still couldn’t fathom how my life drastically changed including traveling all over the world, sort of Rags to Riches kind of thing if you like to call it that way. They called me a devil or practiced satanism for how can a life transform so fast like in the twinkling of an eye. Well coming to think of it, I must be a very handsome devil (just for laughs). But that’s the shit people can throw at you when they can’t conceive how God works in mysterious ways. I allow people to talk about me maybe because that’s the only productive thing they can afford to do otherwise they may just go into depression if they have nothing to do. When you are the topic for others, then you must be at the Top
  • When people inflict pain on me! It's because they are afraid of the Power in me. The level of your success is determined by the depth of pain you have risen from. Even in real life the height of a multistorey building is determined by the depth of its foundation. The higher the building, the deeper its foundation
  • The scars you see in my life are a testimony of how evil tried to destroy me and failed. Some scars are very difficult to hide and if you are here and reading this, just know that you are powerful beyond measure and the devil failed to destroy you.

Therefore, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for thy rod and thy staff shall forever sustain me. Whatever you are going through today, don’t curse God. Everything is for your own good.

Some of the people you see or hear who fly in planes day in and day out for vacation or business, were not born at the airport. They are people who were once just like everybody else. They just never allowed the horrors of their life to define and confine them. Don’t let what you are going through define you otherwise, you will forever be in your own created prison for life.

The Lord has since blessed me with Five precious children, Three girls, and two boys not forgetting my Four noisy grandchildren that keep me awake.


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