Friday, August 11, 2023


 What is sacrifice?

a friend of mine asked me today. and this is what I said to him
"Sacrifice is doing something for the benefit of others even if they turn around and spit in your face" They may not even pick up your calls later after the good deed
And my friend wondered why one should tolerate that?

The simple reason I gave is that even Jesus' ultimate price was "SACRIFICE"
And because of that Sacrifice, half the World is worshiping him today
Whatever you want for yourself! Give it away first and half the world will do to you as they did to Jesus metaphorically speaking. If you desire greatness give it away and it will be returned back to you. If you desire respect give it away and greater respect will be returned back to you. Don't run around chasing and forcing people to respect you or give you honor etc. If you desire Love, give love to others even if they don't love you back. Heaven is full of love to fill your space

Remember the Kingdom of God is within you "Luke 17:21" Whatever you give away, you give out of your kingdom within, and it's an announcement of the abundance of what you have given in you. the given thing then must ultimately overflow and occupy your environment. Then by divine design life must make a copy of what is abundant in your kingdom and build the real objects of it in your life. Like a builder constructs a house from an architectural plan. Haven't you wondered how some people are easily loved in society?

You don't pour from an empty cup but the giver's cup always overflows with goodness and mercy because it's never empty in the first place of such. Hence, Psalm 23: 5-6. Whatever you have in you, life will attract more of it to you and prepare it on a table in the presence of your enemies (doubters, critics, etc.). You can't plant a lemon and harvest guavas, No!

You cant find someone vomiting pieces of meat and when you ask why they are vomiting meat but they say No! they actually ate vegetables. You vomit what is inside your stomach.
May you announce to Heaven of what is abundant in you through your sacrifices for others and Watch how Heaven reacts to you

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