Friday, August 11, 2023

Why Give?

 Give not because you have enough, not even because you expect a payback some day, and not even because you want to be celebrated by those you give to.

But give because there is a God in you. Give because when you give and put a smile on someone else, that smile is infectious and allows your heart to glow with joy unlimited. The kind of glow that wakes up the creator above to remember your prayer of need. Did you know that a human heart has enough energy to light up a city? Imagine the energy of a joyful heart, it keeps the Sanctuary of God on Atert for you. When you give let go of the gifts and have no attachment to it. Just give and walk away. The universe will celebrate you when you least expect
What comes back to you is always shaken and pressed down for enormous overflow. The Entire Univers becomes a universal womb ready to conceive and give birth to what you desire. It fills your life with the magic of five small fishes feeding five thousand hungry men.

I have learned in my professional life one key Principle When someone asks me to teach them one thing in computers, I choose to teach them 10 things without holding back or asking for any extra payment. The results have been heartwarming. When you see my life today. it's a product of that principle
Today choose to give

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