Thursday, December 10, 2020

You cannot pour from an empty cup

 “To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.” “Don't waste your energy trying to change opinions … Do your thing, and don't care if they like it.” “Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we'll ever do.” Evan Hartzenberg

You try so hard to play the religious story of trying to love others more when you actually don't even love yourself in any way. You spend your time trying to make yourself to fit others' descriptions of perfection every day but you always end up with a photocopy you don't like. Hence, you try again the following day and in the process, you end up looking like a clown. 

Do you know the problem you have been trying to solve? It's called a lack of self-love. Oh, you need is to Love Yourself. Every day you need to shower yourself with lots of love. Loving everything about yourself and stopping to listen to other people's opinions of you. You will never satisfy people's curiosity because they will never be you and they will never walk in your shoes. You hate your face, you don't even like the color of your skin and even the size of your head and you wonder why other people keep talking ill of how you look. Stop abusing yourself and others will stop. be comfortable in your own skin and enjoy life effortlessly

If you don't love yourself, what love can you sincerely give to other people? You cannot pour from an empty cup. Fill your cup full of love and you will have enough to give to other people.

Be wise and rise above life's challenges   

Monday, August 24, 2020

Prophecy Confirmation?

When Intelligence, Logic and inspiration all put together go to sleep, people begin to rely on religious prophecy confirmation for a way out” ~ Bright Mulenga

I hear and read in some sections of the media on supposed prophecy confirmations of who has died as predicted by Prophet X or which disease has shown up as prophesied by Prophet Y the list is becoming endless.  What is the point of knowing an impending death or advent of a disease when you can’t even stop it from happening? When are we going to start hearing prophecy confirmations on novel products or inventions as Prophesied by Prophet Z who also gave the formula as provided by Heaven (the source). In simple language, who shall we send into the heavenly realms and shall return with the good news that changes people’s lives spiritually, socially, and economically, and not just return with the now out-of-date noise of you shall all prosper even when they know deep down that its old news. Are we sending Ravens to check out the land who never return but keep the dead spoils for their tummies or we do not have the Doves to send that can return with samples of fresh pieces of green plants that can give us the needed hope and assurance that our destiny is readily awaiting our arrival? Assuming we are working on our way there (Destiny)!

There is no victory without a battle and there is no winner without a race. When there is a prophecy of a good life ahead for you, then you must know that there is a battle in-between to be fought to get to your good life state. God promised Abraham a nation of Israel as we know it today, but the children of Jacob (Israel) were peasant farmers and illiterates. In my view, God could not build a powerful economically prosperous nation with a bunch of illiterates. Therefore, God sent the children of Israel to the University of Egypt to transform them into the required professions and skills that can build a prosperous nation and also that they can know God who they can write about when they learn to write. What we have read as the period of slavery regarding the children of Israel in Egypt under a cruel pharaoh was basically a period of transformation of peasant farmers into educated and experienced national builders. The Israelites learned how to be innovative as can be read from the Bible (Exodus 5:7, 8) when they were commanded to make bricks without being supplied with the required straw as part of harsh punishment which figuratively means completing a task without adequate resources in record time. When the children of Israel had built enough capacities within themselves in all areas of development, mathematics, architecture, administration plus many other skills, they were now ready to build their nation and God could send someone who was a trained leader to lead them out of Egypt. If you are waiting for God to bring you a bed of roses for you to sleep on and hope to wake up on the good side of things! Think again because a bed of thorns await you to keep you awake and constantly rising up to get you to do some stuff that will build you.  If you think God will come and talk to you nicely about how to get you to your desired destination! Think again because persecution is on its way to get you started on the journey. Whatever prophesy you may hear and want to dance about, ask yourself a question what does it have to do with my destiny?

The moral of the story is that where ever you are starting your career or profession from is your Egypt designed to bring out a certain aspect out of you that is necessary for your desired destiny. The brutality of your Egypt will depend on the magnitude of your desired destiny. Remember, God cannot build a strong and prosperous nation with a bunch of illiterates who cannot even count a Billion. When those supervising over you are demanding what you perceive as unfair outputs under limited resources, remember Israel in Egypt and that it is not about you but about bringing out the great innovator locked inside you for your destiny. Making Sense?

Look! Somebody has correctly prophesied to you that you are going to be prosperous, right? But, what do you do? You begin to spend time on your mountain of prayer to force God to make it happen for you including fasting for faster results. Let me ask you a question. If God is supposed to do it for you, then what are your legs, hands, eyes, and brain that you are keeping for? How lazy believers can be! I am glad God hid the ‘Auto button’ that can make things happen on their own. Like anyone can just press a button and become a qualified engineer without going into any form of school. Oh! Foolish Galatians who has bewitched you? The Apostle Paul once wrote Gal 3:1. You cannot prosper just because someone has instructed you to beat the devil out of the dust or where ever they say he is hiding. If you needed my opinion, I would say the devil is having a field day knowing ignorance is the only thing killing you and you have no idea.

Don't wait for the future, just start off, it will meet you on the way. Whatever you are experiencing at the moment, its well within the measure of your destiny. Hence, don't despise or lament but thank God and be grateful. You are the Master of your own destiny and how much you get out of life depends on you.


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

LOVE Your Broken PAST Enough TO LET IT GO

Memories have huge staying power, but like dreams, they thrive in the dark, surviving for decades in the deep waters of our minds like shipwrecks on the sea bed. ~J. G. Ballard

Every time you decide to embark on a new journey or when the time comes when you are fed up with being fed up with what is trending and eating up your life, it’s time to deal with your past. That past can be a second, minute, day, or many years old but it needs to be dealt with so that it does not show up to blur your vision for your future. You could have lost opportunities, something, or maybe a loved one who was so dear to your heart and the loss feels like a lost rid ripped out of your side. Love is the greatest weapon you can use to heal your past. Whatever you hate will not go away but persist to give you more reasons to hate and keep you stressed but, whatever you love will give space for more lovely things for you to experience more love. Complaining about the past will not make it go away but love it and ask it to leave lovingly and the past will oblige at command.

Whatever has happened in your past and no matter how dreadful it must have been, face it and say to it “I love you” and say thank you for what you (the past) have achieved so far in my life and it’s time for you to go and remain in the past. At this point, you affirm with the words “I let you go”. Love your past no matter how ugly it may have unfolded before you because the better person you have become was born out of that past. Don’t live your life hating the past that cannot defend itself and keep blaming it for the perceived misfortunes of the present over which you have the power to control, to change and transform.

When your life is shipwrecked in the turbulent sea of life, take a hold of one broken piece of the ship (your life) and hold on onto it to keep you afloat until you reach the safety of the shore. It serves no purpose crying over the broken ship whilst in raging waters because you will sink with it. Therefore, take joy in the fact that while your past may have broken you down, at least you had something left of it that you held onto that has seen you through to this day when you can safely say thank you, Lord for your grace. 

Love your past but don’t build a monument for it

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Tribute to My Brother, the Unsung Hero of my Life

Oh 2020 when your horrors finally visited my heart

Not even my computer skills could enable me to click the “UNDO” Button to reverse the time and let 2019 reimburse me with my loving kid brother

You have robbed me of a Hero I should be telling my grandchildren in a thousand stories

Whose name sits at the root of my success story, as people know me today

A young man who stretched his hands wide enough to hold me and clean me up when life threw me on the garbage dump. When my cry though loud enough was too silent for those with the means to render a hand. But you Thomas was God's gift to me

Oh, Thomas, my brother did I thank you enough for your kindness and empathy?

Did I say in so many words that you knew I owed my success to you?

OH, God, I ask, why did you not warn me ahead of time? Nevertheless, I hear the Lord saying who holds the time and who sets the rules?

Though I cry to the Lord to remove this thorn from my heart, He replies, my grace is sufficient for you and my voice dissolves therein

Like a flower today is and tomorrow is no more, so has your life faded before my eyes

I will put my tears in a bottle before God and let the Lord Judge the devil for every tear I will shed

My writing pen warbles TO and FRO to find words to comfort my own heart, but none reverberates in my soul to make the pain go away.
Thomas, you put others before you and made everyone smile in your soft-spoken words of humor and grace

What shall I tell your daughters and what shall I say to Junior, that their superman is not coming back this time. Shall they understand this mystery of life?

The earth awaits to swallow you in its belly but the earth should know better that you are a seed and you will give back fruit in a thousand forms.

In all this, I am comforted with words of the Apostle Paul who said the Lord will not allow circumstances beyond which you can handle to overwhelm you. I know that the Lord has my back in this and He will not abandon us in this hour of need.

Go well my CHAMPION as the Angels of Lord carry you with the honor you planted in all of us as an eternal testimony that your children will not be forsaken nor shall they beg for bread

In the Almighty, we will rest

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

A Letter to My Grandchildren: The Evil that has Kept the Poor Locked down: 'RELIGION' The Curious Case of Packed 'BUGATTI Sports Cars''

"You shall know them by their fruits and not the imaginary fruits they talk about or sing louder about"

Matt 7:15-20 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? ......."

From the onset, you must understand that Religion has taken the supreme role of providing guidance on spiritual matters regarding man and his relationship with God including man's role on earth. More often than not we wrongly use the words religion and spirituality interchangeably. However, at its deeper meaning, religion refers to a specific set of organized beliefs and practices, usually shared by a community or group. While Spirituality refers more to individual practice and has to do with having a sense of peace and purpose. Spirituality also relates to the process of developing beliefs around the meaning of life and connection with others, without any set spiritual values this is as summarised by ReachOutAustralia, a description in which I also do share. Therefore, you are either in the crowd or you are alone. But be warned that some crowds are just Gangs who are simply groups of frightened people whose identities or strengths lie in the identity or strength of the crowd or gang. But! Woe unto crowd members when the crowd is heading the wrong way, as a preacher would say. Religion has, therefore, been noted for its crowd-pulling capacity towards the set of organized beliefs. Whether these sets of organized beliefs have helped anyone, it's for you to judge correctly or incorrectly. My take is that if the religion truly had the required growth message, the majority of the people filling up congregations every worship day would not be wallowing in poverty since growth would have been evident in the people's lives

Religion in my view has come in Sheep's clothing singing about the great things that await the faithful which also include the glorious place of honor in heaven where there shall be no more shedding of sorrowful tears. Yet to my surprise, to ensure there is control of entry onto heaven's guest list, religion lays out sets of rules and regulations as part of the sacred standards (laws) that fit their definition of righteousness required for heaven. Some religious entities have even tried to set the dress code, speech style, lifestyle including what one can or cannot do, eat, drink, read, or watch as part of the heaven's qualification criteria. Whether these so-called spiritual standards can or can not be achieved by followers is for you to judge otherwise, to ensure that religion is an entity of power, it continues to dangle the carrot of Heaven and Hell that forces individuals into a lifestyle of continuous mental and lifestyle editing to keep the spiritual slate clean.

Carl Sagan, in his writing "The Demon-Haunted World" once wrote the following "If we're absolutely sure that our beliefs are right, and those of others wrong; that we are motivated by good, and others by evil; that the King of the Universe speaks to us, and not to the adherents of very different faiths; that it is wicked to challenge conventional doctrines or to ask searching questions; that our main job is to believe and obey, then the witch mania will recur in its infinite variations down to the time of the last man".

Flashback; In the year 2008, I (the author) was given an opportunity to study in Osaka, Japan. Upon arriving in that nation, I was amazed by the level of development, creativity, and technological innovation that the nation of Japan had achieved over the years. Compared to my third world country of origin at that time, it was like paradise for lack of a better term. The first thought that crossed my mind was that truly the almighty God should be living in this part of the world and probably God only assigned his spiritual agents to watch over my underdeveloped country somewhere in Africa. Was this nation (Japan) a Christian nation to have achieved so much basing my assumption on the religious teaching that I have received all through my life that true success comes only through believing and receiving Christ Jesus? Well No!  I didn't see any trace of it whether in symbols or any prominence of the 10 commandments. As a matter of fact, according to the annual statistical research on religion in 2018 by the Agency for Culture Affairs, the Government of Japan, 69% of the population practices Shintoism, 66.7% Buddhism, Christianity1.5%, and 6.2% other religions.

The question then was what do the Japanese or the Western countries know that people or believers in my predominantly Christian nation do not know that have made them enjoy the kinds of success I witnessed. For all I knew was that believers in my country gather in multitudes on Sundays and other days to worship, pray, prophesy, fasting including spending sleepless nights in the mountains to seek God's favor for the promised kingdom life the Bible has so gloriously talked about. Probably it was our definition of a kingdom life that was different in my country. Despite all these so-called spiritual acts, poverty reigns high among the people. Through these set of confusing facts about the man and his relationship with God the creator and the evidence before in Japan, I came to the realization of a few insights that probably has distorted our approach to life as we know it and I list them as follows:

  1. The idea of God in my Christian world is derived from the Jewish Bible both from the Old and New Testament scriptures. True, the Bible is a divine collection of spiritual wisdom in the written holy scriptures. Arguments arise on which version of the Bible is in use in the Christian world and whether it is the correct version or not but I do not want to labor in those matters in my letter because the truth is that there is a God no matter the version. One thing I have learned is that wisdom is more often than not told in parables. It's a common practice I have seen even in my native culture when it comes to imparting wisdom.  I once asked a wise old man why wisdom is relayed in parables and he gave me a shocking answer that parables are told so that fools can become more foolish and the wiser even wiser. Its a question of either taking the smoke or the real fire. The old man went further to reveal to me that when wisdom is told in parables with predominantly symbolic language, the truth under the wisdom will transcend time and will be able to fit scenarios in different generations and their unique social developmental variants. Therefore, if the Bible is a book of spiritual wisdom, it could then be deduced that the biblical stories and accounts purposely were written as parables replete with symbols or codes pointing to the spiritual truths that God wants us to find in order to govern, dominate, and multiply on this earth in accordance with the original plan for man on earth. We can then safely say that the context in which religious teachers translate the biblical texts to the followers determines the direction the followers direct their perceptions and predominant belief systems with reference to the truth. Either the followers get caught up in the biblical content (stories) and get trapped in there which they also continuously tell to others as-is, year in year out, or others who are curious enough find the truth of the wisdom hidden under the content (stories) or parables so to say, assimilate it and sets them free to transform their lives for the good of all. The people who win in this life are the ones who endeavor to find that spiritual truth or the treasure that makes them operate as creators on this earth according to the original mandate. But those who eulogize the biblical stories including creating songs about the stories, forever, remain storytellers and proud members of the 'Hear-say' group of the fruits of the promised kingdom which they cannot demonstrate in their lives while innocently wallowing in poverty. Even in a Court of law, hearsay is not admissible as evidence to be considered.
  2. God lives in Heaven and Man lives on the physical Earth. God created the earth and man has to deal with the earth, God created the mountains and man has to climb them. Therefore, the one who has problems on earth is the man, not God. God gave the man the mandate to govern on Earth, multiply, and dominate. However, God ensured that everything the man will need is already provided for in God's creation. Evidently, if you need a chair, there is a tree provided with the raw material and if you need meat there are animals moving around with the uncooked dish in their bodies waiting for man's calling and the list is endless. You follow so far? What then is the problem? The problem could either be that man does not know that he has the power to create anything he desires and the raw materials are already present, or the man has been told that he falls short of the glory that can give the man the power to fulfill his mandate to create anything he desires. For example, the only way that a man would be sitting on a rough stone even when there is a potential existence of chair somewhere is when he does not know that there is a comfortable chair hidden in a tree, does that make sense? the issue that comes into play is that the divine wisdom of creation is already built up within the man and he knowingly or unknowingly does not know that he can reach out to the deeper self that has the capacity to connect with the man's intellect to transform what is in the spiritual into physical reality. The question is, who is to blame? Remember ignorance is no defense, you will feel hunger whether you know or do not know that you need to eat food to feel better 
  3. God is sovereign and He has no problem being God whether man worships or not. However, perceptions in religious circles try to insinuate that God runs the risk of ceasing to be God if He runs short of man's worship while in a war with one of His creation, the devil and it is also perceived as though with little worship God might lose the battle. Seriously, was the devil a creational accident that was not anticipated and God has to embark on damage control to keep the evil creation in check. or was the presence of the evil part of God's plan. It is as though God demands worship to the extent that people can even kill for it to protect their God. Can God require protection from a mortal man who can even killed by a coronavirus? It appears as though everyone is always on the lookout to ensure their name is on God's guest list of worshippers and not to have their name on the list of the devil's advocates. In my opinion, God knew what He was doing and what we call evil must have been a necessary ingredient in the equation of creation. We need darkness in order to know the existence of light. You only know that you are short when you stand beside someone taller than you. Does that make sense?
  4. Religionists assume that God is only associated with light and not darkness and as such believers must pray that darkness stays as far away from their abode as possible. Fact check; Genesis 1:1-3 tells us a different story. God actually created light out of the darkness. Think about it, why are you thanking God for your life right now? One could have been abused at one stage in their life while staying in one town which forced them to flee to safety in another town where they finally met their true love, their dream job including probably finding their life purpose and passion. Today's life is replete with such stories that start with darkness and end in glory. without darkness, you will never know the light. You will never know who you are until you know who you are not.  Albert Einstein put it this way “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Look you have been a faithful Christian and you are still struggling even to have a meal. Check your thinking and mindset. We are all born to be masters yet we have allowed those who have a vested interest in defining who we should be to determine what we should become in order to perpetually need their approval always. Religion will never allow you to rise above its definition of greatness, which put simply means nothing above the shoulders of the spiritual leader. I have experienced leaders who consistently wanted to create sons and daughters in congregations with the sole aim of maintaining control. When did God have spiritual grandchildren? We are all God's children and responsible for our own actions. Does that mean there can never be a set of a spiritual hierarchy? Of course, hierarchies will always be there because there will always be those who spiritually mature faster than others. However, that does not mean that it should create a family of control as has been the case in some circles I experienced with disastrous consequences. If I had the chance I would even warn political leaders to be wary of religious leaders (especially the so-called prophets) who want to call them their sons. These are red flags for evil control which is a recipe for a well-calculated impending unethical control
  5. In religious circles, I have come to understand that it is assumed that to be successful you have to live a life of miracles. The implication is that you need something outside of yourself to do something for you without you doing nothing about it but probably only pray. I am not saying miracles should never happen because I know that in extreme situations when we are pushed between the rock and the hard place, God is obligated to intervene for you and I. God created the human being as self-contained, a divine machine that is able to achieve abundantly, exceeding and above all that can be imagined. This means that human beings were created as miracle creation machines and masters by default until religion changed the default settings to install slavery in humans. In order to assume control over other people, some religious leaders have even resorted to the use of psychology, mentalism, magic, and hypnosis to fool members with some spiritual tricks or illusions as divine miracles or acts of spiritual presence. Let me refer to hypnosis which I think I saw happening in some congregations were followers were heavily hypnotized without realizing it. The problem with hypnotized people is that the only truth they will know is the one coming from the hypnotizer (the spiritual leader). According to the Oxford dictionary, Hypnosis is "the induction of a state of consciousness in which a person apparently loses the power of voluntary action and is highly responsive to suggestion or direction" Under hypnosis, a follower can be instructed to sell all his or her property and give the money to the spiritual leader without even thinking about or do many other things at the behest of the hypnotizer. Think carefully, you could have been a victim or are about to be one in the name of being a faithful servant! The Apostle Paul warned in 1 Cor 7:23 "You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men"
  6. Religious people mistake praying for thinking. Religious people think they can easily pray themselves to success and prosperity. My country is amongst the largest copper producing countries in the world except that none of the copper is dug out by prayer but by technological machines built by thinking. Therefore, prayer does not fall in the equation of economic success but thinking and doing does so. While we should set aside time for prayer as part of our personal spiritual journey, we should also set aside time for thinking economic solutions because the earth is man's responsibility to manage and make prosper in every way. Ideas only come to those who spend time thinking. I know that some people will tell you about prayer and meditation except, in the Christian circles, the act of meditation has never been fully defined because the only thing I witnessed was prayer with some noise for lack of a better term. What is meditation? research and find out about it. You will benefit from the practice
  7. In Religious circles, praying in Tongues is described as being in a state of communicating with the Holy Spirit. Therefore, in Pentecostal circles, one must be able to receive the gift of speaking or praying in strange or let's call them angelic tongues to be considered spiritual. I do not wish to cast any doubt concerning the gift of Tongues as it is also alluded to in the New Testament Bible, but I only wish to ask searching questions. In biblical scriptural context, the Holy Spirit is God and in fact, in some verses, the Holy Spirit is referred to as the third person in the God Head (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) Matt 28:19. If the Holy Spirit is God, then He is the Creator of all things and holds the secrets and principles behind the creation we see and experience every day. How wonderful it should be to have millions of tongue praying believers talking to the creator Himself every day. However, the tongue praying believers never come down from the spiritual encounter with any new ideas, creations, solutions or innovations to reveal to other believers or the world at large on what's going to be hot on the market. I say this because, if anyone is able to enter the spiritual realm, they should be able to see what is already in spiritual but not yet manifested into the physical. Believers need wealth, money to be specific, but wealth is created out of creating solutions to some problems that other people are willing to pay for. No human being no matter how spiritual they can be does not want to eat and have shelter both of which require money to acquire. We see believers working regular jobs to earn a living while others are involved in some form of income-generating businesses. Wouldnt it be a good idea to up the game and enter into some serious money-spinning gigs selling big-time never seen or experience solutions straight from the father's realm. I am just saying!
  8. They insist that God demands his tithe yet not even Jesus Christ demanded it nor spent any time trying to teach about it. Who should receive or eat the tithe? Fact check, according to Deuteronomy 14:22 - 29, The Tither should eat it and nobody is going to hell for not paying tithe. They say tithe should be given to the tribe of Levi and the Pastors are the Levites. Sorry, no one can become another tribe by faith otherwise every black person is white by faith. The tribe of Levi can be found in the nation of Israel. Jesus taught about giving because it is a universal principle that has a ripple effect of multiplication in a giver's life. I know, someone will say you are promoting spiritual anarchy by letting people rob the almighty God of his share. Well, I wouldn't be so sure about that because Jesus said in Matt 25: 45 "Then the King will answer, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for Me. ...."
  9. Oneness with God; Jesus while on earth declared the following in the presence of Jewish leader John 10:30 "I and my father are one" this statement did not go well with the Jewish leaders of the day to the extent that they wanted to stone Jesus at that point. Jesus was simply setting the record straight to the truth that God and man are one and they can never be separated. The Jewish doctrine of the time was about the message of separateness where man and God live on opposite sides of the shore with an evident separation gap in between them. Jesus was truly fearless because while the Jewish teachers were telling the flock that God was only dwelling in the tabernacle in the holy of holies behind the temple curtains, Jesus was on the loose teaching his followers that they were actually the temple of God and the kingdom of God was within them and they are actually gods (John 10:34, Psalms 82:6, Luke 17:21). Unfortunately, the gospel of separation exists to this day. In my view, it is perpetuated by selfish interests by those with a vested interest in keeping the majority in a state of want of a close relationship with the supposed God who is separate from them. How can you look for something you already possess? it's like God looking for God where the result is an endless pursuit of something that never wants to be found. When the actual truth that needs to be told is to awaken the majority to the reality of the presence of God in them and help them to connect with that God essence in them. What is the real fear of telling people that they are actually gods and life does not happen to them but they make life happen through their fears, love, hatred faith, and so on? Truth be told, the spiritual drug of inadequacy that congregants have constantly been hooked on such that they keep coming for more every church gathering hoping to get a fresh fix that sorts out their problems but never does anyway, will one day wear out and people's eyes will finally open to the truth. 
  10. Conversations with God. Do not believe those who tell you that God only talks to special people! No! Everyone is special that is the reason you were born in this life. God talks to everyone and its just a question of who is willing to listen. God is talking every time except that we mistake his voice for demons since what we may hear most of the time when we pay particular attention to the inner voice doesn't or may not fit well with what our so-called spiritual fathers have been teaching us. We would rather get someone else to interpret what God is saying even when that interpretation doesn't make any spiritual sense, Its time we all started paying attention to that inner voice that has on countless times helped us to evade danger.  
It’s time to get real. Who has set the rules of engagement? Who has hacked the spiritual frequencies such that the answers to our fervent prayers are being rerouted somewhere else and the angel Gabriel who is supposed to deliver the good tidings is being directed to the wrong forwarding address. Why are we getting the smoke and not the real fire while other people who don’t even pray like we do are getting the real juice?  It seems even fashionable at the end of what is considered an intense prayer session in our congregation to hear someone say, “The Lord loves us and he has answered all our prayers” Come on people! that is not anything new and if God has answered, what was the problem? How ironic it is that you are praying here, somebody in China, Japan, or in the Western countries is the one getting the revelation and bringing out something new, and all you can say is that God has answered our prayer?  God’s love is eternal whether you declare it today or yesterday, it will never change. By the way, God answers even before you asked Isa 64:24. So let’s stop playing that religious game, we have been at it for far too long. No wonder we see books coming out of religious folks full of nothing but hearsay while other nations are shipping real products with practical user manuals. How can we be so spiritual and full of education (probably wrong education) yet full of nothing transformational but packed in our garages of self-pity buried in the illusion that acquiring just one more academic degree will make you rich? Of what good is all the education if we will still die poor? Look we have a parable in my native language that says “Kansendeleko Yatanine Inkoko Amebele” which literally means the reason why the chicken has no breasts is that at creation when the creator was dishing out free breasts to animals, the chicken decided to send the dog to collect for it but, Alas the dog collected and kept everything and that’s why the dog has excess breasts and the chicken has none, so the saying goes. Are you following? Do we believe that we can send other people to mine the minerals for us hoping they will come and share the loot with us? Not in this lifetime but in your dreams, I can assure you! We have dwelt long enough on that mountain of lamentation and its time to move into the Promised Land. What really scares us to take risks? is it fear of failure or did we send the wrong people to spy the Promised Land for us and only to bring back scarry portraits of Giants in high definition, which have also accepted and stuck on the screens of our minds as a reminder why we can't even dream to dare try? Who has bewitched us? There is no rocket science here, let’s just wake up 

To illustrate what religion has so far achieved with the defacto super-man, let me use the metaphor of the story of the Bugatti sports car. I am using the Bugatti sports car, not as part of a sales campaign for the brand on behalf of the makers but to symbolize metaphorically a rare product in the family of motors vehicles on the roads of my country at the time of writing this letter to stress my point in this overall dialog. Any words that may suggest otherwise were not intentional. 
You may or may not know that and according to the Bugatti website, "the Bugatti sports car is one of the fastest sports cars which reaches an average top speed of 400KM/hr. Its described as a unique masterpiece of art, form, and technique, that pushes boundaries of technology beyond imagination. The atmosphere in the interior is said to have been designed to be pleasantly cool despite the baking heat outside. it is further said that no draughts can be felt at all as the way to create a sense of comfort that is very noticeable even though it’s completely invisible". It could be described as the epitome of technological sophistication if you like. Therefore, owning this masterpiece of a sports car would have been a priceless experience, at least in my country at the time. Now let me tell you a story (Metaphor):-
There was an African driver known as Umuntu who had heard about the wonders of the Bugatti sports car and decided to order one straight from the manufacturer's showroom. Having paid all the required price fees, the manufacturer shipped the latest Bugatti model with its manual to Umuntu at the provided forwarding address. However, the manufacturer, having prior knowledge that Umuntu will not know how to drive the shipped Bugatti to its fullest extent and enjoy all its sophistication, decided to send a demo driver known as JC to go and conduct a demo drive for Umuntu for three days to give a test of what he will enjoy the rest of his time with the sports car. The demo driver JC meticulously demonstrated to Umuntu through different scenarios of test drives on every aspect of the Bugatti sports car and referred to the car manual on how to go about the other extras provided for in the Bugatti experience.
Umuntu was so happy and excited at his new drive and talked endlessly about his experience of the Bugatti Speed, comfort, and excellence embedded in the beautiful machine during the test drive. Demo drive JC explained to Umuntu how the Bugatti will help Umuntu experience efficiency in meeting appointments and accomplishing tasks in faraway places within record time as the Bugatti's speed will get him to destinations on time. At the end of the three days of demonstrations, the demo driver JC bed farewell to Umuntu and flew back to the manufacturer base. The demo driver JC further informed Umuntu that despite whatever he had demonstrated with the Bugatti during the test drive, there was still much more that the Bugatti could accomplish if Umuntu was willing to try. Upon leaving, JC left Umuntu with his private mobile number on which contact can be made should Umuntu encounter challenges in handling the new Bugatti. After JC had left, Umuntu spent the whole night reading about the car from the provided manual. Umuntu memorized the chapters about the Bugatti with a photographic memory to the extent that he could describe the Bugatti in critical detail as  though he was the one who manufactured it
Two days following the demo driver JC's departure, Umuntu's friends visited him in the hope that they could see how Umuntu would handle his priced Bugatti and show how much he had learned from the demo driver JC. However, to the surprise of his friends, Umuntu spent the whole time while with his friends on praising his Bugatti's model and how magnificent the model was. Umuntu talked to his friends about Bugatti's gear, transmission, cooling, interior, and convertible system with pride which made his friends envy him even the more. However, despite the wonders of the Bugatti that they heard that day, Umuntu did not drive his Bugatti, it was just parked in his wonderfully designed garage. The friends thought that probably Umuntu wanted to give them an introductory piece for that day in readiness for a real test ride the following. The friends showed up at Umuntu's resident the following day hoping for test drive but Umuntu seemed not to have been ready and continued to tell them more stories about the Bugatti and the amazing testimonies of other Bugatti owners around the world that he had read about. The friends showed up again and again but the Bugatti was still parked in the garage and worse Umuntu started composing praise songs about how the demo driver JC managed to drive the Bugatti in Africa to the amazement of onlookers. The songs of praise for the demo driver JC were heard by the entire community, but the Bugatti was still parked. At one point his friends witnessed Umuntu making a call to the demo driver JC and hoping that they will witness the final call that makes Umuntu get into the Bugatti and let it roll to show more onlooker what the piece of technology could accomplish, but to their surprise only to hear Umuntu telling JC how everyone desires to own a Bugatti and drive it like JC and also decided to form a JC Fun club for Bugatti sports car owners. Umuntu decided further to created a statue for the demo driver in his yard and encouraged his friends to come and give homage to the demo driver's statue as a form of good luck for those wishing to own a Bugatti. But the Bugatti was and is still parked to this day despite the stories of its wonders going around in Umuntu's community. The community heard about the wonders of the Bugatti but no one had seen it being driven ever.

The moral of this story is that man was mandated to drive the creator's vehicle (Bugatti). Jesus Christ (demo drive) came and demonstrated how this amazing vehicle called man is able to do and accomplish in three years. However, when Jesus left earth upon completion of the demo drive (demonstration of the power of the kingdom in man), the man has packed the creator's vehicle and instead started singing songs about what Jesus accomplished in the Creator's vehicle (a good gesture indeed). Man sings about a better life God is able to create using the creator's vehicle as demonstrated by Jesus yet man dares not to start that God kind of vehicle on because he has been told you fall short and must be content with the crumbs of life. Man has memorized the Jesus story to the extent of getting lost in the content (stories) and missing the truth of what Jesus tried to communicate in the process. Instead, man has created doctrines based on Bible stories and the vehicle called man is still parked. The doctrine that only trying to get believers to qualify for heaven after death while watching life pass them by. Religion has turned the Jesus told parables into songs without taking time to dust them for the kingdom truth that transforms and changes lives in every possible way for better to the glory of God.  Religion has spent ages trying to describe God in deeper detail about the nature of God, His operations, the way he thinks, and how He makes the visible things from nothing, yet the machine or abode through which He is supposed to achieve all these wonders is still parked in the garage of religion. How right the Apostle Paul was when he said in 2 Timothy 4: 3 For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears, they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. 4 So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.… Each religious persuasion has gathered itself teachers to teach their version of the truth. The worst of all evils is that religious songs have been composed that reinforces the idea that man is nothing and actually sung in the first person that goes like " Lord I am nothing, don't leave me in my struggles but remember me in paradise when this life is over" You must know those songs, don't you? They are a confession of the singer. I mean the person singing whether it's you and the rest of the congregation. Prov 18: 21 "Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit" Be careful what your confesses because you might just eat that fruit

Every person should realize that the power of life and death lies in the power of the tongue and those that love it will reap from it. The man should by now have learned from experience because anyone that comes to you in the spirit of lifting another man's status even financially would say " let me show you how to generate wealth". Why do they put it that way? its because they know that wealth does not exist externally and hence they can't give you wealth but they acknowledge that the potential of wealth lies with you and hence, they can only show you how to activate the wealth generator in you. “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you” Luke 17:21. Nothing happens to you without your consent. Therefore, you have the power and stop listening to those telling you that you have none

Get into your Bugatti start the engine and roll the creation machine into action to bless everyone whose destiny is linked to yours. Why are you in a hurry to go to heaven? Don't you think that if God wanted you in heaven, he would have sent you straight there and keep you there permanently? What are you afraid of because no one gets out of this life alive as one wise man once said. Are you catching the drift here? God invested an industry in you, maybe you are a singer, a writer, innovator, or distributor and If you have not yet started on the journey of bringing out and developing that God-given industry, then everyone who is supposed to be employed in it will remain unemployed or unfulfilled. Do you think it makes spiritual sense to send people to heaven while allowing them to die of hunger and extreme poverty on earth in the name of achieving righteousness? Think very very carefully

Monday, August 3, 2020

You can create a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Expert in 1 hour?

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, either way, you're right.” ~ Henry Ford
It does not matter at what level of computer skills one may be at. It has been achieved before and I talk from practical experience that anyone can become a Microsoft Excel Expert in 1 hr or less. Here is the Three (3) Step formula I have used in my career to build spreadsheet skills in trainees:
  1. The first 10 minutes tell the trainees or yourself to relax (You can even do a breath-in and out exercise, if you like at this stage) and speak to their minds and brains that Excel is the simplest application one can use and the only prerequisite is that one must have gone through grade 2 class at primary school and hopefully graduated that class. let them know that when using MS Excel, one does not really need to think because the computer must do the thinking. It also helps if the trainees can put aside every prejudiced idea they may have heard about how complex Excel before and be willing to start from scratch and believe the message that they can do this
  2. In the next 20 minutes, acquaint the trainees on the Excel interface using the metaphor of a grade 1 squared box mathematics book to allow their brains to relax that they are doing the simple staff and to help transfer the message of how the spreadsheet Cells role comes into play including the cell address system (Column Letter+Row Number e.g Column A and Row 1 gives cell address A1 etc.) in a soft way. During these 20 minutes, show that the application uses the methodology of 2️⃣➕1️⃣ = ⏹ put simply (2 + 1 = BOX) which they should have encountered in grades 1 and 2. Show the trainees how to calculate using the click method where they only use the mouse to click the values to be applied in the formula and only typing in the functional symbols (+, *, /,=, etc.). The simplest way to approach Excel formulas as a rule of the thumb in the click method is to first click the Cell where you want the Result or Answer to appear, then while the active cell (or the current highlighted cursor focus) is in the Result Cell type (on the keyboard) the equal sign (=) to symbolize that formula is starting, next click the cell which holds the First value to be added or multiplied, etc. without clicking or pressing the enter key (on the keyboard) you then type (on the keyboard) the function to be used in the formula such as sum (+) or multiply (*), then click the next cell that holds the second value to be added or multiplied (whatever applies) and as the last action PRESS the Enter Key (on the keyboard) to complete the formula and walaaa it's done. Remembering that you only use Press The Enter Key when the cell holding the last value for the formula is clicked
  3. The last 30 minutes is crucial in this whole scheme because its time to let the trainees move the skills to their hands and fingers from their brains or minds. this is the time to build the hands and fingers motor skills in relation to Spreadsheets. it's important that they practice creating Excel formulas using the click method for different functions (+-*/ etc) by continuously mouse-clicking through the formula scenarios so that their hands can store the skill information permanently. It's the same method that driving schools use to train vehicle drivers. The Object is to impart the skill into the body because the body does not forget easily. Haven't you seen how human beings can sign their official signatures without thinking about how the signature should exactly be written? all just because the hand and fingers have already mastered it hence, it flows effortlessly. You can have the same experience with Spreadsheets if you want just in 1 hr. All you need is the desire and will. Please, don't throw a fit in the face of spreadsheets, it's simply a set of grade 1 staff. I hope this helps someone..

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

A Letter to My Grandchildren: Chapter 1 The Evil that has Kept the Poor Locked down: Fear of Hell

“The Almighty God is the MASTER of all Creation who made a copy of Himself by creating a MASTERPIECE called MAN. Therefore, it will take the Master to RESTORE the Masterpiece"

Second on the list of evils that hold the poor lockdown isThe Fear of Hell: In talking about the subject of hell, I am fully aware that different religious groups have described Hell within the contexts on which their spiritual foundation is founded.  I do not intend to challenge these beliefs in any way in this letter but I would like to look at the subject of Hell with an open mind because I notice how people are more afraid to enter this place of supposed eternal torment than to live in perpetual poverty. Based on the teaching I have received through my Christian background, HELL is a place where sinners are destined to end up. A place of eternal torment of souls who disobeyed God’s law, to put it in simple terms. While Heaven is the promised kingdom or paradise of abundance where the 'elect' or faithful ones will spend their eternity with the creator. However, there is one catch to all this, one needs to die to go to heaven or hell as their final resting. The mere Biblical description of Hell as “a lake burning with fire and sulfur” has scared the wits out of religious followers to an extent that they spend their lives trying to figure out ways to avoid it than find their purpose in life.

Symbols, places, products, clothes, and many things have been identified that are presumed access to the evil that takes one straight to Hell. The poor have been convinced that wealth and excessive riches are devilish hence, not to be aspired for. Therefore, the pursuit of self-actualization that results ultimately in wealth creation has in most cases been avoided, as doing so is associated with towing with the devil. Now, wait a minute! I thought the Bible in the following verses and more actually puts the record straight that all good things come from God; Matthew 7:11, James 1:17, Psalm 103:5, Psalm 85:12 the list goes on. Ask yourself the question, has the devil created anything? And it is written somewhere in some evil script that the devil in the era of so and so created the bla bla bla… Here is the problem, whatever religious groups do not understand they label it evil, and add it to the ‘not-to-do list for a spiritual person. The implication of this has been that religious folks spend more time to learn ways of avoiding getting to hell than learning more about who they are in God's eyes in power, capacity and learn how to build themselves to manifest and innovate the good things that the creator has invested in the physical universe to His glory. What is the point in eulogizing poverty when you also want to have food? In doing so the poor have developed subconsciously self-destructive attitudes towards nice things and the people who own them. They hate anyone who is rich with the assumption that it is the rich that are taking everything away while leaving them with nothing. Believe me, there is more in this life to go around and nobody is taking anything away from anyone. Life teaches us all that whatever you are afraid of, you will attract in your life. Even the Great JOB of the Old Testament Bible learned that bitter lesson in Job 3:25. Therefore, religious people keep attracting the evil that they are so afraid of to an extent that they have put it on autoreplay in their everyday dangerous prayers of sending evil away. People learn to hate things of value without realizing that things of value will never show up in their lives because of hate. While the message of Heaven and Hell has been embraced as an essential pillar of religious teaching, it has, however, been framed in a cloud of a fear-based-gospel to enforce obedience to some spiritual laws which in most cases are embedded with human laws or the fear of the religious group leader, you never know!

What is the identity of the victim destined for Hell? Now I would wish for you to look further into identifying who would really go to Hell. This is my opinion and you don’t have to agree with it but I would wish that you look it with an open mind without any biases. Here we go;
Genesis 1: 26 reads "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." 
This is how I look at it “The Almighty God is the MASTER of the entire Creation who in Genesis 1:26 made a copy of Himself creating a MASTERPIECE called MAN to operate, govern and translate what the Master has accomplished in the spiritual realm into the physical earth. That is the reason God did not create chairs, cars, planes mobile phones name it but hid them in the physical universe that He created. of course, we know that the Masterpiece (man) was already built with the potential to bring out everything into the reality that 'the man' can think or imagine as we have witnessed in the 20th century. Therefore, this Masterpiece called man, a copy of God and connected to God but clothed with flesh is you and me regardless of whether we are operating at our full potential or not.  In accordance with the doctrine of Hell, therefore, if 'the man' is found wanted in relation to the law, man will be sent to Hell. Are you with me so far? But to go to Hell the man must die which is a process that essentially takes off the flesh from the man and transforms man back to his original spiritual identity which disconnects him from physical reality. When I consider all these factors, I am left with the question of who God is really sending to Hell if that was His ultimate objective in relation to wrongdoing? Himself, a copy of Himself, the man? WHO and I mean the real identity (refer to Gen 1:26)!

Does that mean there are no Dos and Don’ts in this life and everyone is free to act as they please? No! that’s not what I am saying. Experience has taught everyone an important lesson that to every action there are consequences attached, Good or Bad and we experience them in our lifetime. Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

Are there pieces of detail we are missing?

Sunday, July 19, 2020

A Letter to My Grandchildren: Chapter 1 The Evil that has Kept the Poor Locked down

“The Almighty God is the MASTER of all Creation who made a copy of Himself creating a MASTERPIECE called MAN. Therefore, it will take the Master to RESTORE the Masterpiece"
(It's my prayer that this letter will one day turn into a book)
The aim of this letter written in the year 2020, is to reach out to the future generation and remind them that Ignorance is and has been the greatest killer of all time. Albert Camus a French philosopher, author, and journalist once wrote "The evil that is in the world almost always comes of ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence if they lack understanding". False doctrines have taken root in life and cults have even been formed around lies that ride on people's ignorance in the process, creating slaves, not disciples. It is my desire that none of the coming generations are ever deceived by selfish men and women through religious machinations. It would be interesting to you to learn that during my time I witnessed seasons when some people sold water as an anointed healing potion, yet when a deadly coronavirus showed up in the year 2020, non of that so-called anointed healing water or oil could even be used as hand sanitizer which was the recommended preventive measure. Looking back, I ask myself the question, did these so-called anointed potions suddenly lose their power in the face of the virus or it was just a scheme all along and we all chose to feign ignorance. The biggest team of losers or victims in the whole game of life as I experienced it, were the poor who remained poor yet so spiritual, faithfully waiting for the promised kingdom to come and take them out of the misery that life has continuously inflicted on them. I will attempt through this letter to share with you how to avoid what the poor consistently do ignorantly that keeps them in the only place they know better, poverty. In all this, I wish above all things that you choose to be hopeful and know that you are special human beings created in the image and likeness of the creator. Therefore, you are gods ready-made to create your own gardens of Eden effortlessly. I hope when you read in context, you will be able to comprehend the wisdom behind the words. 

To start with, we are all shaped by words and the meaning we give to what we hear. Our cultures and beliefs are all crafted in words. A man speaks in words yet thinks in pictures. Therefore, the pictures one forms in their mind out of words determine what unfolds before them or what they experience whether real or imagined. Proverbs 4:7 of the Christian Bible (Old Testament) records the following "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. The Bible in Hosea 4: 6 further declares "my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. "Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children" Therefore, my dear loved ones, I do not wish for any of you to be ignorant because it will destroy you and you will think life is unfair to you when it is actually you who is unfair to "life" by failing to show up to manifest for everyone's benefit what the creator has invested in you. Everything you become is not for you alone but for others to benefit from as well just like a mother's breast milk is not for her but for her baby. The creator designed it that way because just imagine what would happen if a mother's breast milk was for the mother! Wow! your guess is my guess. God is the observer while you and I are the main players on the pitch in this game of life. Do not in whatever way give in to the fear-based gospel that reminds you everyday of how hell is always near your doorstep and how you need to clean up the house in order to enter heaven. No! God is love and that's all He is all about "period". Anything else is man's own creation to subjugate others to obey "the man". Do not allow this fear to suck the life out of you because that is the most vulnerable place your ultimate defeat happens

My dear children, there is a fundamental truth recorded in the Bible that Christians do not want to think any deeper at what it actually entails regarding who man (i.e everyone living male or female) really is and it is explicitly recorded in the Genesis 1: 26 "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."

Therefore, according to the foregoing Biblical verse, the man is God moving on the physical planet earth endowed with the capacity to multiply, dominate, and replenish the earth with what is required at any time. Look at it this way, God is the Master who made a copy of Himself and created a Masterpiece called Man to rule and govern the physical universe that he created with absolutely beautiful things in it. Therefore, if the man is living below the standards of God, impoverished and busted, it's not God's choice but man's choices usually arising from ignorance. If you have a perfect seed of maize and you want to harvest corn but you do not plant it in good soil, water it and provide the necessary soil conditions, don't blame the source of the seed for your inability to invest in knowing how to grow maize when the seed fails to germinate. Well, I know that in many of life's problems that people encounter, someone will confidently tell you that Jesus is the Answer! Ok, what's the question. How the name of Jesus is abused! There are problems in life that require logic and intelligence to solve. When one wants to eat they need to learn to cook food because the food will not cook itself by prayer.

Before I proceed with too many details, let me first take a moment to share with you what I consider as the evils that keep the poor who are in Church in perpetual poverty. This is important in order to provide context to everything else I would be addressing in my letter: [note: I use the word poor not in a demeaning way but to describe people who truly have the desire to have success but for some unique reasons seem to live below their potential]

Top on the List is Obsession with Fortune tellers and psychics (Prophet Syndrom): During my time it was and probably is in your time quite evident that the majority of poor people had or have no knowledge and understanding of the key principles of success. They strongly believe that what’s holding them back is spiritual and only fortune-tellers and Psychics can guide them on which path they should take, but it is unfortunate, that Fraudstares took advantage of the ignorance of the struggling poor to cash in at their expense by asking them to give sacrificial offerings for success to finally happen in their lives. Therefore, Fortune tellers, Psychics, and Magicians all joined the Church pulpit to teach the gospel, conduct their magic tricks, predict people's futures, and hope to bend it to their advantage as they called it. You should know that nobody will pray you to your success. nobody will tell you anything new about your future other than what God has already said about you. I witnessed during my time magic shows in the church in the guise of what was being referred to 'time of miracles' when the church members fell under hypnotic trances thinking it was anointing in the process screaming uncontrollably. Prophets will come and tell you about your past, your name may be, even tell your mobile number, so what? some will even predict pending deaths of people, so what? The fact that they can predict future events doesn't mean they can easily bring wealth into your life out of thin air.  To crown it all these scammers took on the new title of Prophets or was it Profits. Most Poor people fail to accept the fact that one’s future depends on the life choices one makes and if one wants a good prospect they need to make good choices otherwise all practicing Christians would have been Billionaires in reality (this is arising from the kinds of prophecies I used to hear being given to people). Christians replace thinking with prayer which should not be. Success is a system with principles that govern it. Success is born out of ideas, ideas which are a fruit of thinking. We are are all born with everything we need inbuilt in us. All men and women are born with children in them and that is the reason when they provide the required environment children get brought forth into existence fully formed effortlessly. In the same way, wealth is already inside every one of us waiting for the required environment in order to be brought forth into existence. While the future may be unknown and unpredictable, the future is by divine design replete with opportunities waiting for your calling. You can prepare for the future by the decisions you make today. Heaven has already done its work and you have been brought here. It's now your responsibility to use your divinity, Intelligence,  and logic to transform this earth for the good of all. Your eyes, hands, legs name it are with you and nobody else has them for you. hence, stop blaming others for your failure but look at others who have succeeded in life and ask them how they did it. Don't let prophets define you, whatever they say about you, isn't you. You are a masterpiece, self-contained with a divine body machine that grows, heals, and defends itself. You don't even need a charger in order to get by. Say enough of that hearsay nonsense that other people have spent their careers to fill you with.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Fall from VIP (Very Important People) to VHI (Very High-Risk People)

“There is no royal road to anything. One thing at a time, all things in succession. That which grows fast, withers as rapidly. That which grows slowly, endures.”~ Josiah Gilbert Holland

Hellen Keller, a poet and author once said, “The world is not moved only by the mighty shoves of the heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.” Yesterday it was fashionable to live in the big cosmopolitan cities of the world, travel across international lines by air and feel so important. People lived with the thought that living in affluent cities turned them into heroes who could overcome anything. The people living in small towns and villages were considered to be living in the diaspora of poverty, struggle, and weakness.

When news of city folks’ escapades in cities like Rome, New York, Paris, etc. even my own city Lusaka, it was always a Wow, factor to those in the imagined internal underprivileged Diasporas. In my country, because you live in the capital city and you happen to visit family and friends in smaller towns and villages, you are treated with VIP (Very Important Person) status. How lovely it feels to be bestowed with such unsolicited honor.

However, in recent times, how the tables seem to have turned by one little, tiny and invisible creature called CORVID 19 teaching us a big unsolicited lesson that all we thought we were was just an illusion. CORVID19 has just transformed people living in big cities with the perceived affluent lives, from being VIP (Very Important People) to VHI (Very High-Risk People). Living in the epicenter of the CORVID19 outbreak just canceled every human formula that categorizes populations into classes and renamed all with one title, which is not even pleasant. I hope we don't get to the point where city folks are barred from visiting villages or get chased from the villages because of suspicion of being CORVID 19 carriers. That will be tragic 

What is the lesson? Whatever you think you are is not important, but how you treat others. It's not how you met someone but how you leave them that is paramount. People will not remember what you gave them or not but how you made them feel in your presence. We are all humans with the same body biology, which entails that we will all decay the same way. You may be living in a big city, don’t insult those living in the remote village because as CORVID 19 has taught us, the village may just be the safest place while your big city might just be one big hospital requiring you to wash your hands every hour and wearing a face mask.

Life is fragile let us be one another’s keeper and continue helping each other at all times. Above all whether you live in a big city and have everything expensive to your name, you are just human and let being human be your value to others

Sunday, April 5, 2020

You Scream, Yet Your Voice is not Loud Enough

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition." ~ Steve Jobs
More often than not we are time and again trapped in the mediocre perception of ourselves as not being good enough. We tend to believe that anything we can do will always fall short of the required standard. The question then is, what is that standard which we are always falling short? We judge our own capacities by other people's opinions. It is amazing that you are the only one in this world and yet you are trying to beat a standard set by another person. Your only competition is you and not anybody else. Who has told the so-called standard setters that you are only the best when compared to another person. There is non-like you now, before and after you. You are the same yesterday, today and forever beautifully crafted in the creator's image. When you look in the mirror the only one you see is you. You may wear make-up but all you will still see is you. The only important issue is what you call the one you see in the mirror Great or Minion, it's your choice

You wake up every morning putting up every effort to smile, yet you are deeply morning in your heart because the world has convinced you that nothing better will ever come your way or out of you. You have believed such lies, hence, you have set out to gain society's approval. But you realize that the standard you are trying to meet does not fit your DNA and at the end of every effort, you are worse than you were before. Your inner voice has kept crying out for more of you and the God essence of being more than a conquerer invested in your soul, yet you do everything to silence that authentic voice just to follow other people's lies upon your life and destiny.

Look! enough of those lies and its time to wake up the champion in you. You carry diamonds within you, yet society's lies have made you think diamonds are somewhere else. You are the greener pastures the world has been waiting for yet you have spent a lifetime looking for greener pastures God knows where. You carry God, yet you are asked to look for and find God. In fact, you are a god. therefore, if you are looking for something you already possess, then you will never find it. This is the reason people move from one prophet to another for the sole purpose of finding God and themselves, who they already are. What a shame!

Its time to change the strategy and find you by you. Don't you think?

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Resurrection from the Grave of Lies

"If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Literally Not much (Nothing)." -~Jim Rohn
In the three years of Jesus Christ's ministry on earth, I have not found any scripture in the Christian Bible that gives an account of Jesus starting an orphanage or vulnerable group establishment. This aspect of the Jesus story may help us to understand that He did not come to find the vulnerable groups to leave them vulnerable so as to make them a source of compassionate giving towards his ministry. Every person Jesus touched was transformed into a champion.
Just picture some of the highlights of the Bible; When a group of mourners meets Jesus on their way to the burial site, that was the end of the funeral procession because the dead met the resurrection power and had no time remaining dead. Even if Lazarus had been dead and buried four (4) days ago and Jesus showed up at his grave, the tomb had no choice but to gave up the dead and produced a live Lazarus. In the presence of Jesus, sickness and disease did not even need an announcement but left people's bodies noiseless. The bottom line is that Jesus did not give any form of tribulation the pleasure of being named such as the disease of the year to the extent of naming movements or events by the names of troubles such as Lazarus Ressurection day, Cancer day, Aids day, etc. Jesus was able to extend festivities without an additional budget for beer during one wedding celebration he attended. In fact, we could easily say that Jesus disrupted companies that preyed on people in that biblical time, the professional mourners' associations, funeral services, who could not continue as funerals prematurely got disrupted with unexpected resurrections
Contrary to the Jesus style, Today, we want to identify the orphans or widows and we want to ensure that they keep that title forever possibly engraved on their foreheads for easy identification. We have given diseases such honor that we dare anyone to forget their names. vulnerable groups have been hypnotized over and over with lies that a better life awaits them in heaven. crooked religious teachers have made it their life's goal to ensure that they thrive over the people's ignorance while extorting the poor of their hard-earned meagre incomes under the guise of giving to the Lord. How are the poor being helped when even the little they have is being taken away from them.
The mission of every man or woman is typified by Jesus' attitude. Don't leave your fellow man worse than you found them. Don't make your fellow man forever dependent on you as though it is the best thing you can do. You are not helping the poor by ensuring that they remain poor for your own benefit. But ensure always that you help the poor to find and wake up the champion in them.
A good leader is not the one with the most followers but the one who raises the most leaders. A good King is not the one with the most subjects but the one who raises the most Kings. Cherish every relationship that you create in the course of your life because every person that has crossed your path, is there for a purpose. Find that purpose and you will not miss out on life. Every good and kindness that you will give out there will always come back to you in a more amplified form for your good. Whoever you raise up out there, you will be raised even higher by the almighty. Just ensure you don't give out some really bad Sh**t to someone because you might just receive a load of the same back and amplified.
Today, Go out and do some good out there because that is who you are in the image of God.

In Their eyes We Looked like Grasshoppers

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