Sunday, December 26, 2021

A Thought For the New Year: Go After Your Dream

 "Kansendeleko Yatanine Inkoko Amebele"~African proverb

Translated as “The ‘go and get it for me’ mentality is the reason why the Chicken does not have breasts" 

This proverb is derived from a satirical depiction story explaining why the chicken does not have breasts. It is a story set at creation time when the creator was dishing out breasts to his creatures among which the chicken was supposed to be a beneficiary. However, when the call was made to the chicken, the chicken decided to solicit help from the dog and requested the dog to collect some breasts on its behalf. However, when the dog went to pick its own breasts and the chicken’s, the dog became greedy and decided to keep all the breasts for itself including the ones collected for the chicken. Therefore, as the chicken waiting and ready to receive its share of the breasts, it discovered the dog had plugged all the breast batched on its own chest, Wow! That day the chicken ended up with nothing and is now seen scratching the ground in anger and frustration of the treasonable betrayal by the evil dog. Ever seen a guy who sees a girl of their dreams and are too afraid to approach her for a date and decides to send another dude to talk on his behalf to the girl! You know how such stories end, the messenger always ends up with the girl while the guy who sent the emissary ends up with nothing, frustration, and dancing all alone at the party.  

Stretching the satire further hoping to end the year with laughter, maybe that’s why men do not have breasts because they must have sent the women to collect on their behalf and the women collected the full package and the men ended up with what was left over, the Nipples, which are stuck on their chests and probably that’s why the men have been lifting weights to try getting a look-alike chest projection if you know what I mean (just joking satirically aloud).

The moral of the proverb is that in the New Year whatever you desire in life, go after it yourself and don’t send anyone else after your dream because you are the one who has conceived it, you are the only one whom God has given the capacity to bring the dream to life. Sorry, don’t even ask the so-called men of God or prophets to tell you what you can or cannot do. Talking about anything is not equivalent to doing something about it. Quit talking and start acting in the New Year. That is the reason you are equipped with eyes, hands, legs, and the super brain. The ‘this is my year’ talk does not put food on the table. Don’t be hypnotized by the New Year crossover events, you are always crossing over every single day you wake up. The illusion of believing the New Year crossover events where you believe someone will place their hands on your head and things will magically change for the better needs rethinking. If you don’t think, you don’t plan, and don’t act, attending any religious event is a waste of time.

By the way, stop the self-sabotaging mentality of the so-called ‘waiting on God', finding God, and going to the mountain to go on a fast for wealth. Haven’t you thought for once that God is also waiting on you to act because you are the one with the body or device through which his glory can be manifested? God cannot create the mountains and you still expect Him to come and climb it for you! No! In any case, why look for something, you are already carrying. Jesus Christ actually said, the Kingdom of God is within you and he did not put any condition to possessing it. We were all born with it just like we were born with the ability to talk at birth and a mango tree is already in the Mango seed. Therefore, if you have been on the Journey to look for something you already possess, good luck on the journey to look for something you will never find by looking elsewhere than within you

Am sure all of us know that Internet can only be accessed through the device (computer, phone, etc.) by activating the Wifi or data access network, so is how to access God. God can be accessed through your INNER-NET. I hope you get the picture

Saturday, December 4, 2021

You Can't OutRun Your Destiny: But You Need Software Upgrade for your Life

 "No matter how the buttocks hurry, they will always remain behind" ~African Proverb

The Literal meaning of the African proverb is that you can never outrun your destiny. There is no magic in achieving your dreams but by careful planning and execution of those plans which also includes building a wealthy mindset despite your current circumstances. If you ever want to get even wealthier in life, make sure you build your career around your gift. Get examples of good footballers and popular musicians, and you will get what I am talking about. Anything else you are doing away from your gift, you may simply be making a living.

Wealth can never come by Fasting either. We can draw lessons from the Biblical story of Moses in the book of Exodus when he came face to face with the Red Sea and he needed to cross it with the former slaves called Israelites. He tried to pray but God asked him what he had in his hand because prayer was not the tool he needed but what he had in his hand. As the story goes, he hit the stuff that he held on the Red Sea and the sea parted to pave way for the people to crossover.

Everyone was born with a gift that can never be measured in value and it holds the key to making life to open your path to your destiny. What holds us back is that we are trying to compare ourselves to other people's achievements and the path they might have used and we always end up short and frustrated

The question is what do you have in your hands (your God-given gift) The thing you feel so happy, passionate, and effortless to do. Are you a singer, an athlete, a cook, an artist, a writer name it, that is the valuable divine stuff you have been holding in your hands which is the key to parting the Red Sea of life to get into your desired destiny. Can you just imagine how an illiterate or not so educated individual who has harnessed his or her footballing gift and ends up earning $100,000 to $500,000 a week! that's the value even more of gifts that each one of us is still holding in our hands knowingly or unknowingly

As you prepare to crossover into the new year, ask yourself the question, What do I have in my hands that is bigger than the problems coming ahead meant to lift me to the higher version of myself. That's what problems are designed to do in our lives. They are literally continuous software upgrades for our lives. Nobody gets any wiser without encountering problemsTherefore, embrace problems and don't resist them.

Sunday, November 14, 2021


 You have experienced too many bad times. You have suffered enough. Your pain is going to be replaced with happiness, laughter, love, and blessings. 

Did you know that no plant ever grows well unless it is exposed to fertile soil which has either natural manure or synthetic fertilizer? Fertilizer or manure have the same base material called Fecal matter or to put it simply Shit or Feaces material. When Life wants to move you to your next version of power and prosperity, it deliberately throws you into the shit of life. However, it becomes your role to turn the shit into your fertilizer for growth. Haven’t you wondered how, even when you cry or mourn while going through tuff or difficult circumstances, the pain or difficulties don’t just vanish, but you have to endure the full course? It is as though God has simply forsaken you, No, God is up to something good for you

When evil people throw you onto the dumpsite of trash or shit, don’t resist but land there with grace and laughter because healthy plants always grow well and fast out of shit. In the ignorance of evil people, they think they are fixing you when they are actually building you a crown of honor.

Therefore, in every instance, tap into your inner strength. Take back your life. Choose to love yourself unconditionally no matter what you go through in life. What you give yourself, you also be able to give another person because no one pours from an empty cup.

You're going to overcome the difficult period of life with grace. It's going to be okay. Take a deep breath and acknowledge the opportunity to grow beyond your pain

Be the vessel of eternal oil that blesses everyone in your path. There is more in you than you think. Don’t worry about things you don’t have but thank God for the little that you may have. Whatever you appreciate, will also appreciate in your life.

You are Great and the devil knows that well and that’s why he keeps gathering groups of negative people to keep calling you what you are not just to keep you downtrodden. The great wisdom is that you only know what you are by what you are not. Therefore, stop defending yourself. Let them keep calling you foolishly what you are not so that they keep reminding you of what you really are.

It doesn’t matter where you were born. You could have even been born in a manger, but because you were born there, people will celebrate Christmas figuratively. Don’t underestimate the power of destiny. Destiny does not depend on your religion or in anyone’s hands, it depends on you and your resolve because the Kingdom of God is in you waiting to be unleashed by you.    

Wake up and live life to the full

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Living Your Own Life for YOU

A quote from the daily motivation series caught my attention and it goes like "Let go of trying to control the different versions of you that are created in other people's minds. Everyone you meet will perceive you based on their mindset and experiences"

Often, these perceptions are influenced by hearsay and gossip. How can these perceptions decide what you are worth?

You can't let your sense of wellbeing be dependent on the minds of other people. There's a beautiful freedom that comes with letting go of the need to seek the validation of the world

Imagine always asking other people to tell you what is appropriate for you to wear or what career is good for you to make a living or how you should walk or carry yourself in the presence of other people. No wonder we have ended up in the professions we are not even happy to be. No wonder we spend more time in front of a mirror trying to figure out the version of ourselves that would be acceptable in public.

What a stressful life we try to live. Starting today, send everyone else's opinion about your life to hell and if one hell is not enough, try 10

Cheer up You are the only one on Earth that looks like you and beside you, there is no other comparable to you. That's enough to make you feel special. Anything else you try to be, you will always end up with a predictable outcome, "a PHOTOCOPY" which is never ever your potion.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The great achievements of tomorrow follow the steps you are ready to take today: "From Pain to Power"

“I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet” ~Mahatma Gandhi

Do you wonder why every time you go to try and buy something nice for yourself such as a dress or pair of trousers in an exclusive shop or boutique and the first thing you do is to look at the price of a particular item you seem interested in? Why can’t you just go in and pick what you want and pay for it without worrying about the price? Isn’t it frustrating that the type of clothes you would really want to have seem always above your paycheck?  The kind of clothes that represents, correctly of wrongly, the wealthy portrayal of you, and in your mind seem to be worn by other people who you label as crooks to earn the kind of money to afford luxuries. No! They may not be crooks. Most of them are just ordinary people who have made decisions to take relevant actions to better their lives 

The truth in life is that we all need money to help answer to all the things we need; Food, shelter, clothes, entertainment and everything else in the hierarchy of our needs. We desire wealth and abundance but we may not realize that everything we believe to have or not to have, all flows from the dominant perceptions that we have developed in the course of our life’s journey.

Some wise man once wrote “How you perceive wealth and abundance is a very personal thing. For some, wealth means having a comfortable life for themselves and their family. For others, wealth means living a life of luxuries and not having to worry about a budget. How you define and perceive wealth and abundance is entirely up to you”.

Wealth and money do not flow in a vacuum. Money follows purpose anyway, why should money flow to you when you have no purpose for it? That is the reason why big money won through lottery has been known to be lost within a short period by the winner. Anything you do not understand, you will abuse. If one does not understand the purpose of a wife, wife abuse will be prevalent and vice versa.

One lesson I have learnt in achieving the little and big things in life is to realize that the results of tomorrow depend entirely on the steps and actions taken today. I don’t need to expect to harvest maize tomorrow when I haven’t planted any today. What is cardinal is that I must build the mindset of change. The mindset of imagining the life that I desire to live and explore the changes I need to make in my personal life in order to achieve it. Above all the mindset to love wealth and money. Anything you love, you will always attract into your life and what you hate will always elude you. How many people do you hate and are your friends? My guess is that the people you love have become your friends and some probably your spouse. I have rarely seen a couple that hate each other with a passion and are still married if not divorced or on their way there. Do something today that enables you to conquer tomorrow. The only one you need to rescue you is yourself and the perceptions that you have developed about wealth and abundance which you can share with others that God will put in your life’s path. Poverty is not an item that you must strive to share.


Friday, August 20, 2021

One Page in a very Long Book of Life! "From Pain to Power"

 "You are not defined by what happens to You, But what you do with what happens to you defines the real YOU"

Life was never designed to be made of "a bed of roses" for anybody. From life's experiences, pain seems to be the bedrock on which countless lives are built. It all seems like the devil is the default entity from which everything flows in this life. When you ask the next person you meet on your way around, I bet you will hear the degree to which they tell the pain which has disabled them in the story of life. It's as if God the almighty has abandoned humanity.

You may have been abused to the point of even attempting suicide, probably even wrongly imprisoned for something you may not have done. Just remember one thing, the bigger the destiny, the higher the 'pain-ometer' required to birth it. You may even wonder why everybody around could even be throwing trash or call it 'shit' on you for no good reason and whatever you do, people always look for what is wrong with it. Have you ever woke up and the first thing that crosses your mind is how you expect things to go wrong in your life?

Take comfort in the fact that everything you are seeing right now was designed for you by the Almighty not by accident but by purpose. Even when you feel like you are being buried under the trash that life keeps heaping on you, just know that you are a seed from God and seeds always grow under trash. The 'shit' that life is throwing at you is the fertilizer you actually need to shoot above the ground into the Power of your destiny. It's time to turn the Shit into Fertilizer just the same way that plants grow wonderfully under manure or fertilizer is the same way your life will blossom through the shit or pain of life.

The wisdom that you may have today was developed out of the pain that life allowed you to go through. Don't even cry over a failed relationship, Yes it failed and that was just one page in your long book of life. One closed door must give way to another new door to open because tomorrow is a new day and you will celebrate and thank yesterday's pain for ushering you into a new joyful day.

Pain is God's setup for your Powerful comeback. The pain we experience was never meant to last forever unless you allow it yourself by reliving your painful past today. It's just like the pain of childbirth which may endure for a moment but joy comes in the morning and we celebrate the coming of a newborn baby. 

We were designed to grow from pain. Even when you have achieved a certain level of success, don't get comfortable because life will conspire against you and bring the pain needed to push from where you are to another level because the top is always vacant and the bottom is always overcrowded. Look forward to good things coming into your life. It doesn't matter what your reality may look like today. 

Whatever you are going through today is just one page in your long book of success that God put together for you even before you were conceived, with a happy and joyful ending already decided. In essence, God did not allow you to be born before your successful end was completed. Everything you are going through good or bad is meant to propel you towards your glorious destiny. Don't bring the after-life heaven, into this mix.

God has not abandoned anyone, He has trust in the power and potential of what He created (man) to overcome, build and prosper. Don't misguide yourself and keep telling yourself that you are waiting for God. No! God is waiting on you to take up the rod of power in you to hit the surface of the red sea of life so that you cross into whatsoever you desire.


Saturday, July 31, 2021

In the Shadows

"I decided long ago never to walk in anyone's shadow; if I fail, or if I succeed at least I did as I believe" ~Whitney Houston

What if everything we thought we knew to be true was all wrongs? We pray, we go to church every Sunday and we fast, yet we wallow in poverty and when lucky we live paycheck to paycheck. Our Land is full of mineral wealth yet our currencies are worthless. Our countries are in debt yet our land is host to vast mineral wealth worth a thousand times more than the debt we owe to other nations. We are demeaned every day for the poverty that seems to be in abundance in our communities yet we are sitting on Gold, Copper, Cobalt the list is endless. 

We think we know God and talk to him every day yet he seems not to reveal nothing to us on getting our land out of poverty, how ironic! Yet we seem to know more about demons and their names plus how to get rid of them. We are taught about Angels except they should be white in color yet if you dream of a black angel it must be a demon sent from the devil's bedroom to haunt you.

In the Shadows of those who control the world, we have been hypnotized to slumber and sleepwalk through life with the illusion that we are educated and civilized. We hold the holy books and declare we are free. Free to do what? and freedom from what?

Have we been asleep too long that we have even mistaken the shadow for light? We have been holding the holy books with content already interpreted for us to suit the objective of an enslaving cartel! Hence we believe we know the truth and walk in that truth. The system has even been designed for us to be educated to retire and not to make a life

We have been made to think and believe we walk in the light but have never stopped to think and realize that we have been living in the shadows or else why are we still impoverished even after getting more than educated including getting born again in the chosen religion. 

OH! we have been given the ultimate prize, HEAVEN!. Well nobody goes to heaven alive. Whatever you want to achieve and enjoy can only be done right here on earth in your earthly body with the God-given potential locked inside of you waiting to make you the King or the Queen you were meant to be


Sunday, July 25, 2021


 “The primary difference between rich people and poor people is how they handle fear”. ... Robert Kiyosaki

"Fear = False Evidence Appearing Real”

No matter what we try to think is our major hindrance, fear will always be one of the underlying snake creeping silently in our everyday decisions and actions that we try in order to pull ourselves up. It’s a monster we have to face because we have developed it for far too long a time since childhood. But it’s time we showed fear the door out of our lives. Probably the windows too!

Let me share with you tips I learnt from an article by Gin Ng Khin Wee on 10 steps you can take to deal with fear;

Fear of failing, of course everyone does fear no matter how successful they are. One key thing about how we should handle fear is using it as fuel to motivate us and pushing us even further to learn more. Once we know more about issues triggering fear, it's very natural that we will start to have less fear and self-doubt as we face life in general. Self-doubt and fear interfere with our ability to achieve or set goals. Self-doubt and fear are the voices in our head telling us, "You'll never succeed, so why try?" and "who do you think you are?" Self-doubt and fear are also what make us listen to those voices and decide to give up before we even get started.

While many people experience self-doubt and fear at some point in their lives, they take action anyway. Others remain stuck or are confident in only one area of their life, such as work. They are too afraid to try new things like going back to school, entering new relationships or learning new skills. When we let self-doubt and fear rule our lives, we miss opportunities. We predict and believe that nothing good will happen to us, so we don't try anything new, and refuse to take even low-level risks. This leads us to discount people or situations that could help us reach our goals. While self-doubt and fear can come in different forms and from different sources, we can learn to break through them.

  • Make a list of your fears. Only by admitting that they exist can you seek solutions. Complaining about them will not make the fears go away. It only re-enforces the presence of fear
  • Write down how these fears affect your life. You can’t start a business venture or you can’t even apply for a job because of fear
  • Become aware of the voices in your head and write down those negative messages. This gives you an opportunity to change the message. If the voices are saying you are ugly, then you can build yourself by telling yourself that you are beautiful and there is none like you
  • Start building a support system of friends and eliminate people from your life who foster feelings of negativity. Some people are just too anointed to be negative such that when they come into your presence, all your talk just goes negative by default. Begin to stay away from such. You will suffer no losses than you already are
  • Join a support group of people who have similar issues. A group that has a resolve to rid themselves of the fears, not the ones who want to celebrate the fears
  • Change each negative message to one that is affirming and constructive. Keep affirming to yourself every day until the words become part of you and your vocabulary
  • Read books that help you feel better about yourself. Stay away from unnecessarily sad stories that do not have the good gaining the final victory
  • Be aware of your past, and be willing to let go of it. Remember there is nothing you can do about the past which is already gone but you can certainly do something about today which is within your control
  • List your goals and the actions you need to achieve them. Don’t start worrying about ‘How’ the goals will be achieved but concentrate on ‘What’ you want to achieve and start the journey. You will soon realize that everything is falling in place
  • Take one of those actions every day. Each time you do something that brings you closer to achieving your goals you will feel better about yourself. When fears and self-doubts come back, and they still do, I break through them by using the tools and skills I've learned and now teach. They work

 Don't enjoy being afraid just because you think not taking actions in life keeps you safe from the consequences of failure or ridicule from others. Just know one thing;


Rather than wasting time with fear, you better start dancing with life at its maximum or else life will pass you by and find another dancing partner. And you will always be in the stands of life as a spectator of the change instead of being the change

Rather than wasting time with fear, you better start dancing with life at its maximum or else life will pass you by and find another dancing partner. And you will always be in the stands of life as a spectator of the change instead of being the change

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Worry No More


Erma Bombeck once wrote, “Worry is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere.” Why should anyone spend valuable time on issues that are beyond one's control? And why worry over spilled milk? You may have lost a job or lost the love of your life! It could be anything but it's time one made up their mind to move forward and start afresh. Therefore, how can one stop worrying?

In this article, I will highlight 4 ways of dealing with worry I found interesting out of the 6 ways illustrated by Amy Morin, in an article written in Psychology Today titled” 6 Ways to Stop Worrying About Things You Can’t Change.

Determine What You Can Control; it is mare foolishness to think you can make the sun never go down and allow nighttime to come. Whether one likes it or not Day and Night will never cease. Generally in life, we may not be in control of what happens to us but we are in control of how we react to what happens to us

Focus on your influence; it is usually to wise to poke into other people’s business in which you have no authority to change or influence anything. One may be accused of trespassing. Let us focus on areas where we have 100% influence to make changes

Identify your fears; everyone is afraid of something like there are many people afraid of death. Well talking about death, it’s a well-known fact that no one will ever get out of life alive! It’s that simple. Some have the fear of failure. Identify your fears and accept them. Accepting your fears is the first step to begin to do something about them in order to move forward in life.

Develop healthy affirmations; worry is usually expressed in words through negative affirmations like “I know things will not work out like the last time”. However, why not develop positive affirmations “ I know things will work out for my good”, “I am blessed” “I will achieve success”, ”I am wonderfully and beautifully created” as the bible says in proverbs “ As Man thinks in his heart so is he”

Stop the Worry culture that is holding you back today

Sunday, June 6, 2021

The Side of YOU, not even You knew existed!

" It doesn't matter where you are born, it could be in a Manger. But in God's mind, it is a setup for Christmas and not for you to become a Donkey" You are destined for Greatness

YOU are the kind that turns water into wine, the side that turns a moment of sorrow into springboards for greater exploits. The Kind that creates a table in the presence of thine enemies. The you that the Devil left with Marks of Triumph. The YOU who is wonderfully and beautifully made beyond anyone's wildest dreams. The YOU who can never be duplicated. The one with the Potential to do far above and beyond the imagination of what anyone in this life can fathom. The YOU who is God's best-kept secret until now. The You under whom life awaits instructions to carry out your wishes, the YOU with the tongue of authority that whatever you can declare in this life will come to pass

You are the one who was created self-contained that you don't even need an electric charger in order to live. You are the kind that is able to stand on two legs firmly without a third pillar to keep your posture.

MAN, WOMAN, the divine is waiting for your action to turn this world into a better place for all humanity.

Let no one cheat you that they know the details about your great because the Creator was so wise and He hid your bright future inside of YOU. And it is only you who can bring it out. Simple as that.

Be inspired today

Sunday, May 16, 2021

If you can’t Convince them, Confuse them

 A letter to my grandchildren: African Ancestors did nothing wrong!

Africans for some time have been labeled backward people even after getting the education they prescribed for them. The prescribed education in fact only created employees and never employers. Therefore, we were trained to take care of other people’s possession and never to own anything. The Religion they brought to us managed to convince us that our African Ancestors committed high treason before the face of God and we are paying the price of their supposed sins hence, we are supposed to repent for those sins and iniquities on their behalf in order to see the perceived change and enjoy the prosperity that is idolized in certain parts of the world. Every week the African has continued to repent of these ancestral inequities with no sign of change in sight, the poor are still poor. Religion has even designed the picture of the devil with our black skin color while all the angels in the supposed presence of God are all white in color. Talk about killing the self-esteem of people at a deeper level with such an illustration. We walk as broken people under sin and have been hypnotized to the extent that we have even rejected our own traditional names and norms in preference for the ones recommended by our spiritual educators including their cultural norms hoping that will change our circumstances and in the process make the African look distinguished. But we are forgetting one truth that a Rose flower under any other name will still smell a rose flower.

If our African ancestors were as backward and evil as we have been made to believe, then let’s consider the facts. How did my ancestors manage to move from wherever they came from whether it is in the mountains of Cameroon in West Africa without shoes or clothes, braving the most hostile African jungles, unpredictable climatic conditions, crossing some of the most turbulent rivers, fighting off wild animals, providing child and maternal health services until they were able to settle in the various places that the white missionaries found them. If you ask me, our ancestors were true heroes and someone deliberately did not want the Africans to view their past in that positive light. Hence, make people be ashamed of their history

Well, let’s ask the question, who led our ancestors through their journeys and whose wisdom did they use to enable them to brave the difficult great treks that they undertook to the point where the African we see today was born and is alive fully formed. Is it the devil? Consider for a moment if the African migration and spiritual journey were well recorded in the same manner the Jewish history has been recorded in the Torah, wouldn’t we see the hand of a divine God somewhere in there? The fear-based religion that we have been exposed to, has truly made zombies out of some of our people today. One thing is true, Nobody can pray themselves into prosperity otherwise the Africans would have been the richest people on the face of the earth because they are true prayer warriors trying to kill the devil who is the supposed author of poverty. Except I don’t really know who gave Africans the idea that the devil is hiding in the mountains.

We have been asking our religious teachers to show us how to get to the abundance that God promised in various religious texts and the answer we normally get is so familiar, do not aspire for these worldly treasures as your true treasure awaits you in heaven. Wow! Can somebody remind them that nobody gets out of life alive! To get to heaven one has to die and be buried hallelujah.

The solutions to Africa’s economic problem actually lie in the problems themselves except that we have been trained always to look elsewhere first like an academic text book written in 1950! God in his divine wisdom prepacked solutions in the problems themselves like the maize crop is in the maize seed itself. For example, if we consider Africa’s agriculture problems, is the African arable land located only in Europe, Asia or America? Are the people who are supposed to farm the land only in Europe, Asia, or America? Many times the solutions are just as simple as that. But Africans are too educated and always believe it’s complicated to solve agricultural problems. Who knows maybe that’s the reason Jesus Christ did not attend any Earthly University so that he can uncomplicated life as we know it. Seriously can we for a moment unlearn things and get back to the basics.

Well at least I can finally declare as the Mexican proverb says “They tried to burry us, but they didn’t know we were seeds” Africa will wake up one day and take its destiny in its own hands and the liar will be exposed

Friday, May 14, 2021

When Yesterday is Gone

“Thank the past for all the lessons it taught you; anticipate the future for all the blessings it has in store for you.” ~ Matshona Dhliwayo

What is Yesterday doing in your present moment? What is the value of bringing up the horrors of Yesterday in your now moment? You may have made terrible mistakes yesterday or you could have been misunderstood and treated unfairly. The question of life you would consider is that are you sure you can travel back in time and undo what happened yesterday like one would do on a Computer? Unfortunately, it is an exercise in futility to try that impossible adventure. Many times the people who get stuck in the pains of yesterday look for sympathy from those around them. and they are not ready to move to the next adventure of life. Maybe they are scared of the changes that tomorrow or today require them to make to fit in. 

Yesterday is like torn pieces of paper that have been thrown into the air and have been dispersed by the fast blowing wind in different directions and cannot be regathered and pieced together again and its done. Therefore, why would someone waste time trying to cry over milk that has already been spilled? Look back and ask yourself the questions of life like "What is the lesson that was hidden in yesterday?" "What is the treasure that could have been wrapped up in yesterday?" You will discover that the greatest treasure in yesterday is that you are here alive today. The almighty God has hidden all your promises and blessings in time. Every minute ahead of you holds something of value to your future. Therefore, don't waste valuable energy getting stuck in the past. 

Charles E Hudson could not have been more clearer when he said “Don't let the pain from yesterday ruin the new day that's ahead of you.” However, it is Mehmet Murat ildan, who once said “If your yesterday was much better than your today, then today you will most probably walk around in your yesterday!” in essence we should not define today by yesterday's standards which may be outdated today otherwise we will never grow beyond yesterday's limits. Remember the Fax machines were relevant yesterday but today we have email. Yesterday we had Kodak photo cameras that needed a darkroom to develop images to get a photo, but today we have digital cameras and digital printers to achieve the same thing. Like one wise guy once said "Expectation is the Pillar of Life" Our today should always be filled with higher expectations than yesterday. Hope for tomorrow should always be the last thing we should ever lose no matter what we go through in life

Choose to live in the moment and enjoy life as it has been given to you by God. Life is what it is and you make it what you want it to be. Above all forgive everyone who has hurt you in the past. You have no business carrying the burden of unforgiveness instead of spending quality time creating your future. You are a creator and nothing else 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

When Life hits you with a Low Blow

 "If You Accept the fragrance of a Rose, You must accept the thorns that it bears" ~ Isaac Hayes

Bret Michaels once said "My life is part humour, part roses and part Thorns. There comes a time in life when one goes through thorns of Life. A time when even those you think are close to you seems so far away when your cry is not loud enough for anyone to hear you. A time when one even thinks God has gone quiet on you. When it's daytime but you wish it was in the night when time simply stops and seems to take an eternity while your mind freezes. You can't even turn to the left or to the right with no place to lay your head in peace.

Is there a way out? Yes! Ask yourself the question, If it's not me then who? The thorns of life were divinely designed to keep you in motion. No one sits on thorns and never rises up to escape the pain of thorns. God never designed a perfect path for you lest you fail to grow in wisdom but He ensured that the devil was standing at every corner so that you don't ever stop moving towards your destiny. Therefore, make friends with the thorns of life and you will thank God. Every encounter with evil is replete with a valuable lesson to move you to the next best version of yourself for the prepared higher level. Remember the day when even the people you hope to encourage you, all of a sudden just develop amnesia and cant even remember that you exist.

When evil shows up like it has come to derail your journey, Thank God because its the signal you have been waiting for that the day of your rising is just on the horizon. Therefore, just make friends with the thorns you encounter in your journal. Life is not a mystery just flow with it with your eyes set on the goal.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Happy Women’s Day: Getting Your Inheritance Back

"The Men have held the instruments of power under false pretense”

The Case of the Daughters of Zelophehad vs the JEWISH LAW of inheritance (Num 27:1-8)

The Christian Bible records a story in the book of Numbers 27:1 – 8 where girls challenged the rigid Jewish tradition of passing family inheritance (in this case land) to boys only when a father dies.

The book of Numbers recounts a case of a Jewish family man Zelophehad who only had daughters and died without a son. Therefore, without a son in the family, the daughters were to forfeit the inheritance to another family there being no heir in Zelophehad’s family tree according to the prevailing law of the land. This was a Jewish traditional system of inheritance no matter how unfair it was that the people lived under for decades as a norm.

However, a day of reckoning came when the so called traditional norm of inheritance was challenged by Zelophehad's surviving daughters could not take that norm lying down and were determined to challenge the status core. Why? These women realized that without an inheritance (land) they will be destitute and without any land, their families will have no capital with which to attain any economic value for their families in that time which in essence meant they will be poor forever. Without an inheritance, the system suggested that they did not have the right to think but only look forward to a husband who should do the thinking for them and eventually provide for them

With this economic disadvantage in mind (Num 27: 3), the girls went and confronted the Jewish lawmakers through Moses and demanded for their inheritance from their father's estate. By this petition, the girls were asked Moses why girls should continually lose their father’s inheritance just because there was no son in the family at the death of a father. To cut the story short, it is reported that Moses went before the Lord to enquire on the matter and the Lord told him that the girls were right in their request and should be given the inheritance. That day the Jewish law was changed and girls become heirs also to their father’s inheritance just like boys.

Let’s break this down a little, this unfair Jewish law; was it God’s law or it was man’s creation designed to favor men for selfish reasons. I pose this question because when Moses goes before God to enquire, God says the girls are right in their demand and instructed Moses to give them their possession. This tells us that God was not the author of this law but it was the selfish man’s scheme to defraud girls of their future. Are you catching the drift here? This should also help us challenge some of the religious norms we believe are from God. Women should not do this or that and why should it be only women who should be at the receiving end. Are these laws from God or man anyway 


Let’s now bring the message home ladies, let’s travel back in time and enter the High Court where the daughters of Zelophehad have brought the case titled “The Men have held the instruments of power by false pretense” Claiming back the Inheritance:

The High Court judge his honor Moses asked the question of why the women have brought up a petition to challenge God’s law (the constitution) that does not give them the right to their father’s land if the family has no son as an heir according to the law. In other words why the ladies were demanding for equality with men.

And the girls opened their arguments and the following is the verbatim: Your honor this law that only allows boys to be heirs presupposes that all wisdom and intelligence is bestowed in sons or boys and are the ones who can turn the fortunes of a family into a prosperity of some sort. But can the law truly fathom the true extent of anyone’s ability, potential, or skill? The answer is No, laws are simply written texts with no intelligence of their own except in the mind of the drafter. Therefore, if the conceiver of the law is biased, then the law follows that path. But we put it to you that all you presiding judges are here today because there was a woman who gave birth to you and protected you from harm, she gave up her life and needs so that you can become Moses the great or the great men you consider yourselves to be. Should mothers become irrelevant or second-class human beings just because men become leaders, presidents or business owners? Why should the law talk about sons as if the sons simply drop from heaven without regard to the women who brought them forth into this world? Why should women be relegated to the kitchen as if their brains are made of pots, cooking sticks, and pans. If this were the case why would God allow Deborah to be a judge to lead the Israelites? Why would God choose Esther to be the conduit of help for Israel? Why would God allow Oprah Winfrey to have the wisdom to create jobs, why would God allow Angela Merkel to lead Germany, why would God allow Kamara Harris to be the Vice President of the USA the most powerful nation in the world? Why would God allow Inonge Wina to be the great Vice President of Zambia? Can anyone explain how a girls’ secondary school in Choma in the Southern province of Zambia, final year students obtained straight ‘A’s in the final exams beating the boys’ celebrated technical schools pants down? Is the court of tradition suggesting that these girls have modified brains? If the argument is that women talk too much! Who doesn’t? if society has a problem with women’s talk content, then send them to school so that the profession they gain forms the larger portion of their talk. But we submit to you that it’s not that women talk too much, they just have too much to share with others. If anything it's the talking gift that has enabled them to help children under their care to learn to talk and communicate while the fathers are 90% absent.


May the Court of Tradition be informed that the world is replete with women who have made a significant difference. Nancy Johnson invented the Ice maker in 1843, Ada Lovelace invented the Computer Algorithm 1843, Sarah Mather invented the Submarine lamp and telescope, Margaret A. Wilcox invented the Car heater, Stephanie Kwolek invented the Bullet-proof fiber in 1966, Hedy Lamarr invented Wireless Transmission Technology in 1941, Maria Telkes invented Thermoelectric power generator in 1947. The list goes on and on..


All the men reading this, I request that you look at the daughters under your care. Please they are not pieces of meat for sale. Groom your daughters to bring out the passion that God has invested in them by encouraging them to pursue and bring out their talents. Women are generally designed and equipped with the potential to carry others, hence, they are the only ones with the ability to carry a child through pregnancy and when everything goes down in life she will do everything to protect and support her children’s survival because she is able to feel their pain. When you look around, women are the majority trying to sell something for their children’s welfare. Probably you owe your success to such a resilient mother who never abandoned you. She may even have withstood both emotional and physical blows so that you can have a life you enjoy today. Women are our greatest heroes

Therefore, if tradition deprives the girl child a seat at the table of decision making and her equal inheritance, the tradition will be depriving the world of God’s deposit of Himself that he planned to manifest through women to impact society

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