Sunday, December 24, 2023

The Evil Disease waiting for you in 2024. It is called “IGNORANCYMALAITIS MUNGULU 24 Virus”

You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of people (in the year 2024) ~1 Corinthians 7:23

Who Am I?

Jesus answered, 'Is it not written in your law, “I said, you are gods”? If those to whom the word of God came were called “gods”—and the scripture cannot be annulled ~John 10:34-35

Lesson 1: I am a god but I just don’t know that I am. Nobody tells me this to help me wake up the Giant in me. Sometimes I am even being asked to pay for not knowing. Therefore, I have been told I have to look for myself somewhere

The Coming of the Kingdom of God

Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst.”[a]~Luke 17: 20 -21

Lesson 2: The kingdom of God is within me and I was born pregnant with it. I carry everything I need because I just don’t know. Yet somebody has been busy convincing me that I have nothing and that I need them to get my piece of the kingdom pie. And the worst is that they want me to worship them as well

What about tithe? Are you a thief?

22 Be sure to set aside a tenth of all that your fields produce each year.23 Eat the tithe of your grain, new wine and olive oil, and the firstborn of your herds and flocks in the presence of the Lord your God at the place he will choose as a dwelling for his Name, so that you may learn to revere the Lord your God always.24 But if that place is too distant and you have been blessed by the Lord your God and cannot carry your tithe (because the place where the Lord will choose to put his Name is so far away),25 then exchange your tithe for silver, and take the silver with you and go to the place the Lord your God will choose.26 Use the silver to buy whatever you like: cattle, sheep, wine or other fermented drink, or anything you wish. Then you and your household shall eat there in the presence of the Lord your God and rejoice    

Lesson 3: read again and pick what suits you from Deuteronomy

Truly there is an evil ....

There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, as an error which proceedeth from the ruler: folly is set in great dignity, and the rich sit in a low place. I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth. Eccl 10:5-7

Lesson 4: The Gold I think that I don't deserve, that's what I deserve  

But who has bewitched us?

For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. ~ 2 Timothy 4:3-4

The Choice is yours 

Saturday, December 16, 2023


"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." Genesis 1: 26

Are We gods who have lost their memory and are now lost in the City trying to find the god they already are?

Made in the likeness, but praying for that likeness to come? already made with the authority to call things into existence? but still, praying for the authority they already have to come down from somewhere? I wonder if we shall not be looking for what we already have forever

Who has bewitched us? The new year is just around the corner and the so-called Cross-Over events will flood the country more than the number of any new ideas that have come via divine revelations in the last 59 years Zambia has been independent. The religious forks will be like 2024 is my year of success, miracles, divine favor, multiplication, and walking with God. The spiritual will even speak in Tongues like never heard before, Hallelujah!
But Let me tell you what will happen to you on the 1st of January 2024 which I am 100% sure shall be true.
When you wake up on the 1st, or 2nd + of January 2024, YOU WILL STILL BE YOU. If you don't have money on 31st Dec 2023, you will still have no money on the 1st January 2024.
Here is where your Wealth is! Your wealth creation machine is actually YOU. Look at it this way, Supposing you want to have a child, who has the assets and instruments to give birth to a child? is it God? Are the assets in heaven? If you want the year 2024 to be different! use the divine campus, Luke 17:21, to locate where your wealth, peace, and abundance are hidden and you will discover that the one who has been holding your wealth is Actually 'YOU' and only 'YOU' because there is none like 'YOU' before, now and forever.

Sunday, December 10, 2023


I woke up this morning and a strange word just dropped right into my heart. Let me confess it in the first person and I will sign it with my name,
You know what? Anyone who rejected you in the Past has found themselves with a gap, a hole that they can't fill up because you, the rejected one, were the Piece that made the Pizza whole.
They complained about you and they blamed you for all sorts of things. You know what? that part of their life was complete because you were around. At least you gave them a reason to wake up every day and have something to do. Now you are gone and they are suffering from your absence.
What a wonderful God we have who turns shit into fertilizer and pain into power

Sunday, September 17, 2023

When Pain is the Bow of Soup You Need to Drink! A Lonely Night without!

When God's Rescue Plan was hatched before I was Born!

It was a dark night, life took away the only pillow I so much needed in my days of being nothing, I was in a strange place yet at that moment I had just become homeless and the time was 21 hours. Where was I supposed to go? Should I find my way to the main bus station and pretend I was going to stay overnight as I wait to board an early morning bus just to have a place to spend the night? Yet I had no money to my credit and I could have even preferred that God would suddenly turn back the clock so as not to allow me to experience that moment. But the Pain was necessary in God's plan. As I was trying to figure out what to do, God had prepared a stranger who became my friend and rescued my situation. He took me in during that night. The once-almost-homeless guy of that night is the guy you see today.

I smile today because I may not know what will happen tomorrow, but I trust the one who holds my tomorrow.

My name is Bright Kayula Mulenga son of Rachael Kayula Mfula and I love the movie of My Broken Past so much because it was wonderfully cooked and mixed in Bowl of Pain to produce the Powerful Me you see today. I do not focus on the Pain but I pay attention to the Power of the Leason and I leave the Bowl Pain in the past. Then I declare no more fishing from the past waters

Listen, today you may feel alone and abandoned. The kinds of moments you wish that some of your modern heroes portrayed in books and movies would just show up to end your nightmare on a high note. Well! Just drink that bowl of sweetened Pain before you with joy because your real hero hatched your rescue before you were even conceived in your mother's womb.

Wow! Isnt that a wonderful reason to celebrate today

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

When the only way to win is to lose (Extract from my biography)

“like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them aloft.” ~ Deut 32:11

I have learned in my life that sometimes the only way to win is to decide to lose. You can lose the battle but you haven’t lost the war. When life places you in the pot of rejection and covers the pot with a cover of hate, usually the natural response is to fight back and try to defend yourself from those you consider the adversaries pushing you to the corner. You feel the people around you are taking your life and trying to squeeze it. Therefore, you want to use every opportunity to defend your cause lest people can believe you and your case against your assumed adversaries. Time and again we have tried to defend ourselves in the face of such to no avail because, in the mental court where you have been tried in absentia, you have been found with a case to answer. Life has taught me that in the face of rejection, do not say anything. No matter how tramped up the charges or the cause of your rejection are. Be still and do not say anything for your cause because, remember you have been found guilty and usually with tramped evidence already. Therefore, nothing you can say or do will save the situation. You can cry, you can even roll on the ground or you can swear by the heavens to prove your innocence, the final judgment has been cast in stone and you are thrown under the bus.

Why not defend yourself or fight back? I was rejected and abused verbally and mentally to the point where I could have easily lost my self-worth as a human being and probably committed suicide. I must confess there were a few times when I had considered that option but I didn’t. In the year 1997, I lost my mother who was my friend, my sister my everything. Her death was very painful and it has taken me a while to heal and to adjust to her absence. In the very year she died I also suddenly developed a medical condition that affected my legs to a point that I became immobile and I couldn’t walk. Not being able to walk meant that I couldn’t work and believe me that period was one of my walks in the valley of the shadow of death. As the icing on the cake, I was involuntarily left alone to fend for myself despite my physical incapacity. When I look back now, I realize that the city was rejecting me as well and was crafting ways to eject me out of it too. In the face of all that I was going through, I chose to keep quiet and to help me to deal with it, I chose to shut my mind, my brain including my heart so that I wouldn't feel the pain of what I was going through. I realized that I needed my whole heart and not pieces of it to remain sane as not doing so could lead someone to commit the most heinous crime. I had two daughters and a son, and they needed me alive. In the face of rejection, we always do not know the entire divine game at play for the sake of the life of the rejected. And because we don’t know, it's better to keep quiet and not fight battles you don’t comprehend fully what is at play because not doing so might just lead you to miss your bus to your God-given destiny. Think about it, the job you have in the city you live in could probably be a result of you being chased badly by a relative in another city where you could have been comfortable being unemployed for example. The wife or husband you have today could have been victims of serious family abuse which forced them to run away to the perceived city of safety where you two met under unexplained circumstances. What I am saying is that rejection was the vehicle that transported the good things you are thanking God for now into your hands.  

Many times we get used to familiar environments in a way that we think any idea of moving to another place is considered a mischievous maneuver by the devil to deprive you of your comfort zone. Well, let’s look at it this way, how can God move you to the place of your destiny? A place where you need to increase and prosper? Do we expect the almighty to come with a kind letter of request to you saying please move to X city? Heaven No! God will dangerously shake your nest to its foundation like the eagle does when its time for eaglets to be independent, and disturb your comfort without even considering the pain that will be inflicted on you in the process and allow rejection to eject you from that nest and drop you where you are supposed to be which is your place of grace. Put simply God allowed the abuse and the rejection to eject me from my city of comfort Luanshya, a town that didn’t have my things so that I could be dropped in the capital of Zambia where my life changed like night and day for the best. Today I thank God for the abuse and rejection I had to go through while in Luanshya. Every person who abused and rejected me is innocent of all charges because the divine only used them to push me to my destiny. Hence, I love them all because without them I wouldn’t have been where I am today enjoying the best of my life.

In every circumstance, be still and know that there is a God who is ordering the steps of your life

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Turning my Pain into Power (extract from my biography)

 “Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Anonymous

Whatever you are going through right now is a setup by life itself. It's God’s way of putting your life’s raw materials in your hands and you have the capacity to turn it into whatever you desire positive or negative.  Like they say, “It’s not what happens to you that matters but how you react to what happens to you that matters. Those you consider dear to you could have even thrown you down a hellhole to kill or destroy you. Maybe you could be going through what you consider the most horrific pain of your life, rejection, abandonment, divorce, childlessness, brokenness, abuse even saving prison time for a crime committed or not. You and you only can turn that pain into hate, depression, anger against everyone around you or you can turn your pain into your power. We all have a choice. Imagine you are alone in the forest and you are confronted by a hungry Lioness, what would you do to save yourself? Do you start a prayer session? Do you start blaming the person who led you to the forest? Or do you, for a moment realize how the hands you have can be used to defend yourself or how your own legs short or long can come in hand to suddenly transform you into a “Usain Bolt” or a Zambian “Muzala” run like a bullet to safety from danger!  

One of the greatest lessons I have learned in life is that when you are shipwrecked in the turbulent sea of life and everything around you is falling apart, don’t ever jump ship because you can easily be swept by the stormy water and drown. In the midst of life’s shipwreck, look around the remaining pieces of your life and grab to hold on to a piece that might allow you to keep afloat to the safety of the shoreline. When life puts you in a place where you are consumed by the pain of rejection, divorce, abuse or joblessness its suicidal to resort to temporal safety of vane things like excessive alcohol intake, drug abuse, or inconsequential habits and relationships such as gangs of all sorts. Remember Gangs are just a group of frightened people whose identity is nothing without the gang because individually they are lost souls. There is always one thing (a piece of the shipwreck) in life you should never lose but hold on to and that is HOPE. The hope that God loves you and His thoughts towards you are thoughts to prosper you no matter the circumstances, but He needs and counts on your active participation.  Like God wants you to eat but you are the one with the hands, hence, you have to do the actual cooking yourself. But if you like you can choose the spiritual path of praying for a well-cooked meal and hope the food will cook itself by faith. The choice is yours!

A year after the turn of the millennium somewhere in the year 2001 and after the reboot of my life (discussed in the chapter “turning the page”), I got a second job in a start-up IT company in Kitwe in the Copperbelt province of Zambia. The company had a rough start and getting our monthly pay was a nightmare as business was really bad. The whole period I was there, I don’t remember getting a full pay and the pain of not getting a salary was almost consuming my soul badly. At the time I was being kept by my aunt, a very kind woman with a sweet soul and I really thank God for her generosity towards the helpless me at the time. Without a stable income I couldn’t even contribute to buying the daily necessities of the home and the guilt was killing me. This situation was almost making me to start lamenting painfully why God should allow me to have a job, report for work every day and yet not getting a salary at the end of the month. Believe me. It wasn’t easy at all and the pain of brokenness and loneliness I felt was real. I had three children at the time my son was being kept by his uncle and my two little daughters were being kept by their grandmother who also didn’t have an income and I had no way of taking care of them financially. I was in a turbulent storm that was drowning me fast under the water of pain with nowhere to turn. I could have chosen to become a beggar or look for ways of getting quick cash through crooked fellows I met every now and then who really wanted to be my friends which of course would have come with a deadly price.

As everything around me was weighing me down and was considering my options on what to do next, suddenly a flashback from a teaching I came across in the early 90s by Dr. Myles Munroe became so vivid in my mind. This was a teaching on the most important questions one must keep asking themselves at every stage of their life. Two questions jumped out prominently “Why am I and why am I here”. It was like a light bulb of wisdom had just been lit in my life. In the twinkling of an eye, I became curious about my surroundings. The “Why am I here” question made me to start to look around the office I was working in to consider what was there. I realized suddenly as if  I had not even been working in that same office for some time and that there were desktop computers fully installed with all the Microsoft applications ready to be explored. It was like they (the computers) have! been there staring at me probably saying “Bright, we are here and we have what you need in the future, dummy!”. That moment taught me a fundamental lesson that, for starters, I could have been getting a salary that could be spent and finished in a day and be broke again without money and the cycle would be continuing over and over all through the year. But I could alternatively explore knowledge, computer knowledge, and skills that no one can delete from my mind or life ever with the potential of giving me an opportunity to continue earning income beyond my current job. Money can be taken away from me at any time but knowledge can never be taken away. Nobody can tell you to forget what you have learned or the skills you have acquired. That moment became the beginning of my pursuit of mastery in computing as a lifelong skill. That day I realized my purpose for being there and God had placed me in the right place at the right time where everything I needed was present and readily available at my will. I channeled my pain into a positive pain to educate and build myself. I started going to work as early as possible so that I could have at least one hour of learning practical computer skills before everyone else reported at 8hrs at the office. Realizing why I was in that company gave me the drive and the joy to keep working despite not getting a salary. I knew then that God was not interested in my earning a salary but in the development of that which should be the generator of lifelong income. Liberating phenomena as it was, I chose to be grateful every day for the gift of life and the divine opportunity I had to be in the "place" without a salary. Many times, we want to choose the place where we think we should be. Places that look replete with great opportunities. We look for packages wrapped in gold packages believing there is gold inside. However, experience has taught us otherwise. Gratitude has been my everyday mantra and has been my “Alladin’s” magic carpet to fly me to places of my grace.  I am grateful for everything I have or not, even my enemies too. Try it!

As a positive consequence of newly discovered treasure, I designed my own program to teach my co-workers everything I was learning in secret, in the early hours of each day before they reported for work as a way to remember and sharpen my computer skills in specialized areas such as web design, spreadsheets, data analysis, databases with Microsoft Access, Computer graphics, Word Processing, Computer hardware repair, and Computer Networking plus many other computer related subjects. (of course, along the way I have since attained Bachelors and Masters Degrees). Academic credentials are also important because while you may have great skills, employers of companies may not trust your word and they will usually ask for evidence of training such as Certificates, Diplomas, or Degrees that sort of thing. In my pursuit of knowledge, I learned common things I know computer users knew and advanced topics they didn’t know and through that, I made a pledge that whenever someone asked me to teach them one thing in computer and computing, I will teach them 10 things more which I know they need to know without asking for any kind of pay. Through that teaching approach, I have gained mastery in productive computing skills which to this day, I generously give away through mentorship programs to anyone willing to learn.

The skills I developed in what could be described as my painful era, have over the years brought me before Kings, great men and women, and consequently the beautiful life I live today. That’s how I turned my Pain into the Power that has transformed my life today. However, when you gain this Power, blend it with Love for others in the Blender of humanity guided by God because we are all just a “pencil in the hands of the writer” who is God Almighty. Do not use the gained power to degrade or make others powerless. Power in the hands of an ignorant man will eventually destroy the power holder. Don’t be deceived.

What are you going through today? Maybe you are a doctor or nurse. Have you asked yourself why you are that and working in a hospital? Have you considered the possibility that maybe you chose that career because God placed a hospital inside you and it has been crying out from the inside of you and God has allowed you to work in a hospital setting to learn how to manage such facilities before you eventually own one. Maybe you even wonder why your bosses are always on your case to the point of considering quitting! Don’t quit and don’t give up. You are in the right place where examples of how different people can be a pain in the butt are also present so that you are fully prepared well enough for future challenges. In whatever career you have chosen, you may just be another industry type yet to become, and right now it's still inside you unmanifested and life has placed you in the cooking pot of preparation. Just imagine how many people will remain jobless if that company in you does not manifest one day! Make no mistake, I am not saying go and resign today but you must be aware of the cooking pot of preparation and begin your pursuits with wisdom

Maybe you are not able to have a child and you have done everything to have one. Have you considered the possibility that maybe, and just maybe there is a vulnerable child somewhere waiting for you to adopt and become his or her dream parent longed for! While other men and women fortunate enough to bare their own children end up abusing the little innocent children.  God does not make mistakes

Well as for me, one bright sunny day, Lo and behold, everything I learned, the skills I sharpened, and the knowledge I gained during my days of pain came to fulfill their divine purpose in my life in one unexpected but precious moment of potential exhortation to a position of prominence. It was that kind of moment when a candidate only has one shot at glory like Joseph stood before the Pharaoh of Egypt with the power to exhort you or kill you metaphorically speaking, that I stood a similar test … (read the chapter “Experiencing the Joseph Effect”)


Friday, August 11, 2023

The reason my heart kept beating when I should have died (Extract from my Biography)

 The untold story of how I have lost one week of my life “How purpose saved my life” 

How My Two daughters saved me from the claws of death

One evening in the year 2007 though I can’t remember the exact date maybe because it is the most painful period of my life which I have never talked about for the last 16 years. Suddenly, I felt a headache that wouldn’t go away easily. I tried to take some painkillers but it simply got worse by the minute and came to a point where it became unbearable and my body was slowly losing its balance. At the time I was living with my two little daughters. The eldest was in grade 8 and the youngest was in grade 2. Fearing the worst, I contacted a colleague from work who, on arrival decided to rush me to the University Teaching Hospital Lusaka driving his car like a racer in a Formula 1 motor racing competition. Meanwhile, I was gradually losing consciousness on the way to the hospital

Finally, in the emergency room at the hospital, lights flashed in my eyes as doctors were trying to do everything to stabilize my condition as I receded into unconsciousness in the midst of other patients. As the doctors were attending to me however, I could see through my sleepy eyes how what looked like smoke getting out of other patients like something is evaporating from respective bodies into thin air and I realized in an instant that it was not smoke but people moving into the afterlife evidenced by relative screams of loss. It was at that point that I realized I was witnessing the death of other patients in real-time and I could be next in line to be shipped too as I was no longer in control of my reflexes. I can’t remember how, but in that moment, the picture of my two daughters I had left at home with the promise of coming back after treatment came into my mind and I reminded God that I had two little daughters and a son all of who were about to be orphaned with no one to take care of them and if I had to go He (God) needed to come down himself and tell my children why I was going to miss their next birthdays, their graduations even not to be present to see their children and above all not to be there to provide for them as they journey through life. I had promised them when I was rushed to the hospital that I was going to be back home soon and somebody needed to keep that promise.  My two daughters and son at the time were my reason and purpose for living. With the last breath of effort, I presented my daughters before God and requested not to be taken away from and suddenly everything around me became dark and I only woke up or became conscious a week later. During that week, I don’t know where I was because it is still blank and dark to this day. It’s as if that week never existed or lived at all. That’s the week I cannot account for to this day in my life. I finally woke up from the "nowhere" and the first thing I saw before me was my eldest daughter standing at the edge of the hospital bed with tears in her eyes probably wondering and I don't know what at the age of 10.

I shed tears today when I see My daughter who was in grade 8 at the time, who is now a distinguished Biomedical scientist and the younger one who at the time was in grade 2 is now a lawyer. One thing is clear, they saved my life. When life gives you a 2% chance of survival, just remember that 2% is better than 0%. Fill your heart and mind with your purpose or reason for living no matter the odds because that purpose might just be the fuel your life may need to keep your heart beating in your darkest hour.  The purpose must not be about you but about positively affecting others for their good AND with great Love. Does it mean that having a purpose will protect you from the valley of the shadow of death? Nope! Its like when your life is full of purpose, your walk in the valley becomes your potion. Why? Wisdom grows out of pain and nobody ever became the greatest athlete from just sleeping 24hrs. whenever you pray for wisdom you are asking for pain and the valley of the shadow of death is the best university for that. The following is what life has taught me;

  • Forgive even if it's painful to do so. Forgiveness does not just release the forgiven but it releases the forgiver more to experience a life of bliss. A life of joy that owes no one anything but free to soar like the great Eagle
  • Forgive yourself for any past mistakes you have consciously or unconsciously committed and don’t keep beating yourself about what should have or not have been done. It’s the past and don’t go fishing there  
  • When people reject me! Its because God needs me alone to show me who I am supposed to be without other people’s shadows interfering with my real image and identity in God’s own eyes. It's only when you have experienced rejection can you have the wisdom to help others to navigate through such in life. As for me, despite having been rejected in the most horrible way by those who I considered dear to me, I am here still standing and sharing my story to strengthen somebody. Today, I thank God for the rejection because through it I have found myself  
  • When people defile me and throw me on the rubbish dump of life! I remind myself that Rubbish is the manure that productive plants grow better in. Some people said it to my face that I would amount to nothing and wouldn’t go anywhere. I thank God they used the word ‘go’ in the sentences because I did go somewhere beyond their imagination, Europe, Hong Kong, Japan, and other African countries to become an even better version of myself that people see today
  • When people throw shit at me, shit is the source material for fertilizer that enables the world to feed billions of people. There was a time in my early days in the big city of Lusaka, I experienced difficulties to find where to stay and ended up renting a one room in one of what could be considered slum areas at the time called the KUKU compound with no proper sanitation facilities. I didn’t complain because one room was better than no room at all. To cut the story short within one year I moved from the slums to one of the most affluent residential areas of Lusaka called Rodes Park and all cleaned up including driving my own cars. Life has never been the same since then. However, some so-called Christians still couldn’t fathom how my life drastically changed including traveling all over the world, sort of Rags to Riches kind of thing if you like to call it that way. They called me a devil or practiced satanism for how can a life transform so fast like in the twinkling of an eye. Well coming to think of it, I must be a very handsome devil (just for laughs). But that’s the shit people can throw at you when they can’t conceive how God works in mysterious ways. I allow people to talk about me maybe because that’s the only productive thing they can afford to do otherwise they may just go into depression if they have nothing to do. When you are the topic for others, then you must be at the Top
  • When people inflict pain on me! It's because they are afraid of the Power in me. The level of your success is determined by the depth of pain you have risen from. Even in real life the height of a multistorey building is determined by the depth of its foundation. The higher the building, the deeper its foundation
  • The scars you see in my life are a testimony of how evil tried to destroy me and failed. Some scars are very difficult to hide and if you are here and reading this, just know that you are powerful beyond measure and the devil failed to destroy you.

Therefore, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for thy rod and thy staff shall forever sustain me. Whatever you are going through today, don’t curse God. Everything is for your own good.

Some of the people you see or hear who fly in planes day in and day out for vacation or business, were not born at the airport. They are people who were once just like everybody else. They just never allowed the horrors of their life to define and confine them. Don’t let what you are going through define you otherwise, you will forever be in your own created prison for life.

The Lord has since blessed me with Five precious children, Three girls, and two boys not forgetting my Four noisy grandchildren that keep me awake.



 What is sacrifice?

a friend of mine asked me today. and this is what I said to him
"Sacrifice is doing something for the benefit of others even if they turn around and spit in your face" They may not even pick up your calls later after the good deed
And my friend wondered why one should tolerate that?

The simple reason I gave is that even Jesus' ultimate price was "SACRIFICE"
And because of that Sacrifice, half the World is worshiping him today
Whatever you want for yourself! Give it away first and half the world will do to you as they did to Jesus metaphorically speaking. If you desire greatness give it away and it will be returned back to you. If you desire respect give it away and greater respect will be returned back to you. Don't run around chasing and forcing people to respect you or give you honor etc. If you desire Love, give love to others even if they don't love you back. Heaven is full of love to fill your space

Remember the Kingdom of God is within you "Luke 17:21" Whatever you give away, you give out of your kingdom within, and it's an announcement of the abundance of what you have given in you. the given thing then must ultimately overflow and occupy your environment. Then by divine design life must make a copy of what is abundant in your kingdom and build the real objects of it in your life. Like a builder constructs a house from an architectural plan. Haven't you wondered how some people are easily loved in society?

You don't pour from an empty cup but the giver's cup always overflows with goodness and mercy because it's never empty in the first place of such. Hence, Psalm 23: 5-6. Whatever you have in you, life will attract more of it to you and prepare it on a table in the presence of your enemies (doubters, critics, etc.). You can't plant a lemon and harvest guavas, No!

You cant find someone vomiting pieces of meat and when you ask why they are vomiting meat but they say No! they actually ate vegetables. You vomit what is inside your stomach.
May you announce to Heaven of what is abundant in you through your sacrifices for others and Watch how Heaven reacts to you

Why Give?

 Give not because you have enough, not even because you expect a payback some day, and not even because you want to be celebrated by those you give to.

But give because there is a God in you. Give because when you give and put a smile on someone else, that smile is infectious and allows your heart to glow with joy unlimited. The kind of glow that wakes up the creator above to remember your prayer of need. Did you know that a human heart has enough energy to light up a city? Imagine the energy of a joyful heart, it keeps the Sanctuary of God on Atert for you. When you give let go of the gifts and have no attachment to it. Just give and walk away. The universe will celebrate you when you least expect
What comes back to you is always shaken and pressed down for enormous overflow. The Entire Univers becomes a universal womb ready to conceive and give birth to what you desire. It fills your life with the magic of five small fishes feeding five thousand hungry men.

I have learned in my professional life one key Principle When someone asks me to teach them one thing in computers, I choose to teach them 10 things without holding back or asking for any extra payment. The results have been heartwarming. When you see my life today. it's a product of that principle
Today choose to give

In Their eyes We Looked like Grasshoppers

  WE are so Great as Africans no wonder someone has spent all their energies to convince us that we are nothing. Unfortunately, we have beli...