Thursday, July 10, 2014

Love or Fear Paradigm, Where Do You Live

"Fear and Faith are not two separate entities but they are two sides of the same coin. You can't have both, you are either living in fear or in faith" and there is no De-militarized zone
In your day-to-day, moment-to-moment life, you operate from only one of two places: fear or love. If you look closely you'll see that your actions have, at their root, some flavor of one or the other of these.

There are many flavors of fear: worry, concern, anger, spite, revenge, hatred, jealousy, envy, inferiority, etc. Flavors of love include appreciation, joy, kindness, caring, inspiration, compassion, trust, etc.

Why is this important? Because where you are coming from determines your results and experience in life; the roots drive the fruits. For example, if you act out of fear, more fear is created in the world.

If you act out of love, more love is created in the world - YOUR world. Where you are coming from is CRITICAL with respect to what you are creating more of in the world.

Most of the actions we see in the world today are rooted in a fear of some kind; that fear is basically of "something bad happening." The fear causes you to take the action to try to prevent that awful "something" from occurring.

Let's take a simple example: If you fear that someone will disapprove of you if you don't dress and look a certain way, you will dress and look that certain way out of fear of that disapproval.

Your experience of being alive is now colored by the avoidance of this fear "of something bad happening" - fear is now running your life, not you. This is very different than dressing and looking the way you want to dress and look with NO FEAR of whether others will approve or disapprove of you. In this way you are coming from love.

In this example, if your actions come from fear, that fear is running your life and "making you" do things you don't want to do. We might look a little closer and see that you don't trust other people, that you believe on some level that other people are mean and judgmental, and that in fact the world is an unfriendly place.

That's a whole lot of fear that will be perpetuated BECAUSE that is the root of your action - by succumbing to this fear you AFFIRM the world is this way. You continue to reinforce your belief that you must do something you really don't want to do to avoid the terrible pain and suffering that is sure  to befall you.

Now, in our example, when you come from love, you dress in the manner that truly suits YOU. There is great benefit and truth in this: First, you are honoring your true desire for how you want to dress and look in the world. And second, you are honoring the world at large,

since you are not pre-judging the world out there as bad  and wrong and mean. You are saying to yourself and the world, "It's OK to be me." You are being more loving to the world.

Now it might take some courage to come from love. Can you see that? It's easy to come from fear - since you either close down and protect yourself, thus avoiding others, or you become aggressive and dominate others.

This is fight or flight, and neither requires any courage or vulnerability. In our example of choosing to dress in the way that pleases you, you must have courage and be vulnerable since it's possible others will judge and reject you.

You must be prepared to once again CHOOSE TO COME FROM LOVE and allow them the freedom of their opinion without you now judging and condemning THEM. Ah, not so easy, right? But this
is the practice of coming from love - and it feels SO GOOD TO LIVE THIS WAY, in all areas of life.

Now let's go a little deeper and look at why someone operates from fear or love. What is the source of fear or love? The source of fear is disconnection or separation from Great Spirit, your Higher Self.

And the source of love is connection to Great Spirit, your Higher Self. Therefore, the key to coming from love, taking love-based actions, and creating more love in your world and the whole world, is finding your connection, a lasting connection, to Great Spirit.

Much of the world does not have a reliable, consistent, strong connection to the Source of their life: Great Spirit, Universal Intelligence, the Unified Field. They are disconnected and floating about in the deep sea like a ship without a rudder; no wonder they are terrified!

When disconnected, life is about survival, about me and mine, about getting things, controlling things, and having some kind of personal pleasurable experiences. This is the root of fear-based actions and the root of "evil" itself: disconnection.

However, if you can get connected to your Higher Self, the Unified Field, to Source, you will experience all the love, trust, power, and joy that you need. And therefore YOU DON'T NEED TO GET IT FROM ANYONE OR ANYTHING IN THE WORLD.  
You are free! You are free to be your own, loving, awesome self. You are love, and you can choose to love others and the world regardless of how they may be - even, for example, if they negatively judge how you are dressed.

When connected to Source, you automatically come from love, which leads to you to take love-based actions, which creates more love in your world and the world at large. A win-win-win.... Awesome!

Try this:

Are you coming from fear or love? For each action you take over the next 24 hours pause to see where you are coming from. See if you can catch those actions - before you take them - that come from some kind of fear.

Celebrate that you noticed a fear-based thought and its potential action, then choose to come from love instead.  Ask "What would be a love-based action?" Then take that action and see what happens.

Congratulations - you're one step closer to your mojo!


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