Thursday, July 3, 2014

“The Mind is the Limit and not the Sky”

How to Be Fearless in a Fearful World

The mind like any part of your body requires a daily exercise to strengthen its focus on what is important for you in this world. The greatest inventors and innovators of this world have you used the same mind and consciousness that you have to build cars, planes, computers and the list goes on. So far if you check your life, you may realize that on a daily basis you have been training your mind to focus and feed repeatedly on foods without nutrition  like ‘What if’, ‘Not Possible’, ‘I am Ugly’, ‘Not wired for this or that’, ‘It’s not for us’, ‘My family is cursed’, ‘We are failures in business’, ‘Money is just not for me’, I have a bad memory’ and you can count the rest. It’s time to change the menu to something nutritious like: I am Beautiful ad fearfully made, I am powerful, Wealth and Abundance is my destiny, Money comes easily and frequently, I am resourceful and creative, I will succeed in business, I am blessed sitting down and blessed standing up, I am unique and there is none like me before or after me. Therefore, I resolve to take on my destiny and nothing in this life will stop me from succeeding. Stand tall lift your head and know that you are special and that is why you showed up on this earth.

Are you finding it a challenge to keep your head up and maintain a positive outlook when the sky seems to be falling all around?

You’re not alone.
The world looks pretty damn shaky at the moment. By all reasonable accounts you should be afraid—at least that’s what the media says. Yet life is a perfect self-fulfilling prophecy. Expect bad things and bad things it will be.
What can a person to do?
Simple. Either, keep on doing the same thing, letting fear drive you or choose a more empowering response.
Negative thoughts feed fear and weaken you. They make you less resourceful, less confident, less able to cope with current and future challenges; physically, mentally and emotionally.
Positive thoughts—or more accurately positive beliefs—do the desirable opposite. They fuel your strength, boost your confidence, and can make you downright unstoppable in the face of any fear or resistance.
And this isn’t just some positive psych pipe dream. Your thoughts make a very real and powerful impact that you can experience in this very moment.
Complete this five minute experiment and you’ll know just how important they are.
During your next workout set aside two sets of a basic lift—like the biceps curl.
Prior to the first set, sit on a bench and think about all the bad news of the day, the plane crash, the market tumbling, etc… all the things that are weighing you down. There’s plenty to choose from. Let your shoulders droop and your head hang, which they naturally will. Then, with this dark mood about you, grip the dumbbells and do a set of at least 8 reps.
How did that feel?
On the second set we’re going to change your state. This time stand tall, take deep breaths and think about strength, power and victory. Access an image in your mind of a time you overcame a  big challenge could be anything, you won a race or you emerged top in an interview. It may be a memory from sports or any emotional victory that you can really taste. Then go through the FIT cycle of grounding, focusing and elevating, charging breaths. Then grab your dumbbells—the same weight—and do another set.
Different? You bet. You won’t soon forget how powerfully different it truly is.
The first set, the hang-dog, doubt-ridden, fear-saturated one is how many of us are doing life at the moment. Many of us have become so saturated with media messages and justifiable reasons to be afraid that we can’t think straight. We don’t even know just how contracted we are.
The second set stands as evidence for your true strength and freedom. It’s an anchor reminding you that you get to choose how you respond. Want to have confidence, feel strong and resourceful?

Choose it.
The great advantage of practicing this state in your strength training is that the repetition of feeling strong and confident (because you choose) creates a powerful anchor for a self-authored life. It frees you to generate your own confidence and courage in any situation regardless of how the world is telling you to act.
Focusing your thoughts to be the radiant source of energy and light you truly are is more important than ever.
Now is a Time for Strength.
If not you, who? If not now, when?

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