Sunday, July 13, 2014

Choose to be HAPPY

Let me share with you some thoughts I learn't this last few days
"You don't get to choose how you are going to die. Or when. You can only decide how you are going to live. Now." Joan Baez

Isn't this a wonderful reminder that we can choose how we are going to live? Our life is in our hands. We decide how we want it to be. Aren't we glad? Never give up the power and your right to choose.

Do we want a life of happiness or depression? It was said that man's chief aim is to be happy. How true. We all want to be happy and joyful. A happy life is a life well-lived. A life of depression and negativity causes the life of the person to rot, to waste away.

We need to take proactive actions to make our life happy and satisfying. How are we going to do that? First, we need to change our thinking, to believe that we can be happy and successful in life.

"The thought is the predecessor of the deed". Emerson

Norman Vincent Peale wrote, "Change your thought and you change your world".

Decide first to change your thinking. Your thinking is the driving force that determines the actions you will take and they will determine your future, your destiny. So choose to live a life of abundance. Don't let negative thoughts defeat you.


PT = PA = PR (Positive thinking will result in positive action and will produce positive result and positive life).

NT = NA = NR (Negative thinking will result in negative action, negative result and negative life).

Positive thinking is very powerful and it will change your life dramatically. It is an indisputable law that positive thinking will result in a positive life and person. "As a man thinketh, so shall he be" so says the Bible.

Conversely, negative thinking is also very powerful. It has the immense power to destroy you and your family.

Guard yourself with all your might and strength against negative thinking, however small it is, because it has the power to multiply itself and grow exponentially very quickly, a lot quicker than you think. It is like cancer, it spreads without you knowing and eventually, it takes life away from you.

Therefore, resolve today to cure yourself of cancer and do not allow negativity and depression to take the joy of living away from you.

Second, we need to change our doing. Our action, what we do daily, will affect our life and destiny. Act positively and speak positively, no matter what your circumstances are. Don't complain too much, don't be a loner, don't hide yourself alone at home. Take positive action like making new friends, taking up a hobby and going for a holiday. Or make someone happy, encourage your friends.  
The bible says that as you refresh others, you yourself will be refreshed.  Positive thinking and Positive doing will result in Positive living. You will become a positive and happy human being.

Choose to live your life and choose to be happy.
Stay happy always,

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