Thursday, July 17, 2014


“In the Armoury of your thoughts you either craft the tools to develop yourself or you  forge the weapons to destroy yourself”

I know that most of you the readers out there might be wondering if there are people who do not think. Right? And you believe that everybody thinks. But guess what, very few people actually think. Somebody wrote saying only 2% of the world population think, about 3% think that they think and 95% would rather die than think. I thought about it and I started wondering what this thinking was all about. After a research I realized that what most people considered as thinking including myself, was just mental activity. The mind is always reacting to external stimuli or environment that we perceive through our five senses and we have considered this mind reaction as thinking. The mind is busy bringing to our memory’s recollection of our bad times and current challenges. As for my Christian friends, they would rather pray than think.

Is Prayer a problem? No! Thinking is the problem because it is the source of all your financial and social problems. Someone might be thinking ‘Unless I have money that is when I can think properly’. This is exactly where the problems of the developing world lie. For starters let us talk about money. What is money? In simple economic terms, it can be referred to as a measure of value or medium of exchange. It is commonly referred to as currency. Why currency? Because it is always in the flow; Money is always flowing somewhere, and if you know where it is flowing then you can build your reservoir there. Let’s think about it a little more; if money is a measure of value, then money or currency as we know it represented as paper prints or in coins is not value in itself but what it represents. Let us look at this from a practical point of view, right now as you are reading this post you may have some cash, Dollars, British Pounds or Zambian Kwacha  name it. That money will not remain in your pocket for long because it is on its way to where its value exists. By the end of the day it might end up in food store, boutique or even beer pub. Money is current and is always flowing where value is being created. If you are always broke, the truth is that you are not creating any value that people are willing to pay for. Are you with me so far?

Knock! Knock! Are you still here? OK let’s continue. Value is the most precious commodity any country or anybody should possess in order to have money flow into their account. If you don’t create value, money will always reflect on the credit side of your personal current account because when money flows into your life, it does not find any more value created and hence, you end up spending it so that it flows to where its value is. It’s no secret that a developing country like Zambia will only prosper when it begins to create value for all its products. Proverbs 12:27 actually says ‘A foolish man does not roast what he took in hunting’. What proverbs is saying is that if you sell your meat in raw form, it will cost less to sell but if you roast it, you add value and it will cost more. Therefore, if Zambia continues to sell copper as a raw material, don’t hope for the prosperity miracle, the copper will always be cheaper. Just a reminder to my Christian friends, don’t pray and fast believing the minerals will dig themselves out of the ground, somebody must think about how to get the minerals to the surface and add value to the minerals. That is the reason why the development of the proposed industrial clusters that add value to Zambia’s agricultural and mineral products is key to economic growth and job creation

Value only begins to form when people begin to think. I mean thinking outside your mental, financial and social budgets. Thinking requires people to look at how they can make life better for everyone. The guy who developed the Cellular phone thought about how he or she could make people communicate no matter where they are located without physical cable connections. Thinkers identify problems and then seek solutions. Thinkers ask the right questions concerning issues like how can we make people communicate better and efficiently. Thinkers look for problems in life because embedded in the problem is a solution. The solution represents value for the thinker. If you want to know where your money is, think about solving other people’s problems

Look at everything you are buying from the shops and you think you are doing the shops a favor! No! They are doing you a favor because they are solving your commodity problems and the currency in your purse needs to find its flow to where value exist and it cannot stay in your possession. But you might say no one has a choice but to buy essentials, yes of course but remember everyone has a choice to start thinking about creating value so that as you give others, others also will pay you for your value. Then can you balance you book of life. The source of your value is not resident in the existing answers you see around, it is in the problems around and empowering questions you ask in relation to the problem identified. Please don't ask dis-empowering questions like why is life so difficult? you will not like the answer you get

When you identify a problem don’t worry about the answers, just ask the right question. That is how great inventors of this world ever developed what we see today as marvels of creation; cars, airplanes, computers, name it. Thomas Edison asked “How can I create a light bulb?” the Wright Brothers asked “How can we make a flying machine?” even when they were only bicycle repairers. I have learn't that the mind works like Search Engine. When you type a name like Lusaka in Google search, Google will search its databases and bring out information on the name Lusaka. The same with the mind. If I ask you to say ‘What is the color of water? Your conscious mind will instantly try to find the answer (even when you know the answer is colorless). However, if the answer to anything you have identified  not readily available it will depend on your persistence to have the answer. If you keep pondering on the same question with passion and desire to have the solution then the Almighty God will step in and provide the answer. Don't you remember a time when you encountered a situation to which you did not have immediate answers but you slept over it and BANG you woke up the following day with a solution. That is how you can totally create something that nobody has ever done before; Something outside your mental, financial and social construction.



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