Wednesday, July 16, 2014


“Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere”

Life is here to serve you, not to put obstacles in your way. Everything you desire will show up or not show up in response to your THOUGHTS or BELIEF SYSTEM. And if something else shows itself to you that you prefer, life can give you that too. You're calling your own shots. The key is to feel good no matter what.
Don't try to see so far down the road. Don't demand that promises be made by others to give you the security you need. This is the thing that makes the difference between someone who can stand in an attitude of belief and trust and someone who cannot.

You have a lot of evidence in your life that supports the power of your focus.  Don't try to figure it all out at once.  Just feel more appreciation for what you have already and more will come to you.
Many times we try to use short-cuts to get what we want, We try to use others by trying the con-game of ‘pray for me to get what I want’, put in a seed for you to get what you want. This my friend does not work. Other people’s faith will not heal you except your faith in knowing that heaven will give you what you desire.  

When it comes to money, the reason most people want a lot of it is because of fear (which dams up the stream). There is nothing wrong with having money, but the big mistake is asking for the security that comes from promises of others.  You want your security to come through your awareness of knowing how God will work the process of getting you the things you desire. You know how to focus on what you desire and you know how this focus will always bring you the good things in life, including money.

Lastly give your soul something to feed on every morning in the form of an affirmation. An affirmation is an expression we speak loud or silently to ourselves to re-enforce an attitude within us. The reason we feel bad every day is because we feed our souls with negative affirmations like ‘today is a bad day’, ‘I don’t know why people hate me’ and so on. Sometimes you want to relive your past sad experiences how people abused you and often times you want to tell a really sad story to others to make them feel the same way you are feeling inside on a totally different issue than the story you are narrating. Have you met people who always want to tell you a sad story?

Don’t let the past rule your today, but let your today’s action rule your future. Begin today by telling yourself anything you have ever wanted others to say to you like ‘today will bring good things my way’,  ‘I am beautiful’, ‘I am powerful’, ‘I can solve any problem’, ‘I am a genius’, I will succeed in what I set out to do’, ’any obstacle has an opportunity riding  on its back’, ‘I am special and there is none like me’, ‘I am blessed all the way’. Keep repeating the affirmations to yourself every day and you will become what you say about yourself

By the way have looked at yourself lately? You are the highest form of God’s creation that generates its own energy without even moving with a charger like a phone. You have the power to choose. You have a biological system that makes any factory look like toy. You have a brain that makes a super computer look like nothing. 


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