Monday, September 25, 2017

Disruptive Thinking: I believe we are "Trapped in Content"

"You shall know them by their fruits and not the fruits they talk about" 

When people fail in life in whatever they are doing, one sign is clear, they talk too much. They talk the twists and turns of what has happened and what should have or what would have been. They just never sit to reflect on the lessons learned and move forward. Discussing the problem in all its corners but too afraid to discuss the solution. This reminds me of the poor believers seated in church pews faithfully listening to a new message of supposed hope, year in year out, one day looking forward to something magical happening in their lives for the best. The magic never happens but the content of hope continues every Sunday in different versions.

In my society people are experts in discussing problems in graphical details. We are so skewed to telling bad news to others in digital format if you like. People ensure that as they relay the bad news, they should see its impact on you the listener. Lucky for me I hate bad news and every time somebody begins to narrate some bad news, I have trained my ears to switch off. I also do not see the necessity of someone preaching to me the death of Jesus in graphical details because I do not see how that helps me. As far as I know, Jesus was resurrected and that's what's important to me, not the bad news of the passion of Christ scenario. Christians have been digging for solutions from the Bible for thousands of years between Genesis and Revelation. It seems the solution has been elusive within the Biblical content. Yet one of the most significant solutions most often heard is that you must believe in God, Receive Jesus as your personal savior, pray every day, read the Bible and Heaven shall open for you every blessing you want. While this may be true, it is not even a tenth of the truth that I believe Jesus Christ was talking about. Jesus, in one of his teachings to his disciples, said and I quote "greater things than these you shall do" (John 14:12).

I most often than not ask the question where today's technological innovations are hidden in the Bible. I think the problem is not where all these things are hidden but how we have interpreted the content that is supposed to show us the way to the treasure. I believe that you can be aware of the existence of a treasure but if you are using a wrong map, you will never get to it. Jesus refers to greater things to be done by those who believe in Him John 14:12. Where were these greater works hidden? In the Bible? I do not think so because the bible is just content of wisdom and cannot create anything on its own. Greater works or creations must lie with the creator in charge. In fact, Jesus in his speech refers to the noun 'YOU' meaning in you and I who live today, greater things and works are hidden inside each one of us to bless this world with. Great innovations have been done by people from different religious beliefs, therefore, greater works have nothing to do with religion or one's way of worship. Otherwise, if that were true great innovators and rich individuals would all come from one religion. I believe Greater works have been crying out inside each one of us except they manifest as problems because, if you think about it, there is no solution if there is no problem. You find a solution to society's problem, you have just found yourself a cash cow. But what do we do in times of problems? We cry and we faithfully go to whatever book to find a solution and unfortunately, some solutions can't be found in books because they are hidden in the creator in you.

Spiritual books are important but we have ended up trapped in the content and never use the occasion to reflect on ourselves and awaken the greater in us to do exploits. We are the only creature that has the potential to rethink, reprogram, and do greater things at every level of life. If technology fails to remain at the same level why should we as superhumans remain stagnant. The next-generation robotics which is based on neural networks are now able to reprogram their actions when faced with a new scenario even without the aid of human programmers. Technology is changing so fast that soon we will have robots walking around as women competing as prostitutes or wives.

We have read our Holy books such as the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and we all know that God loves us and that fact is not debatable no matter how much we ponder on it. We can cry, laugh or worship, it does not change who God is. The only let down is the human being (in whom God has manifested) walking around like a headless chicken afraid to take risks and not realizing the amount of power we possess because of the material we are made off. (God Material)

We have been  'TRAPPED IN CONTENT' for far too long. Think about this, you can talk about a product like a power generator and its potential in detail, but if you do not switch it on, you will never experience the electricity the generator can generate. Stop being a content freak and let's get on to some action.

1 comment:


This is so inspirational. Am inspired .

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