Tuesday, December 12, 2017

They Tried to Bury us, But they did not know that we were Seeds ~ Mexican Proverb

Many times life will send a multitude of horrors that will knock you down. Storms that wash everything dear to you away from your reach. Unimaginable fires that literally burns every stroke of opportunity from your grips. In this ending year, people may have tried to bury you under titles you could not even comprehend. When the ones you called friends betrayed your trust. But thank God they did not know that you are a seed that can grow from under the garbage. The storms could have blown everything you held dear to you away but there was one thing the storms could not blow away and that is the presence and love of God in your life. Can I get an Amen

I can assure you that life could have thrown you on the garbage dumps and smeared you with shit but this is what I know, God has bestowed upon you with the ability and capacity to turn your pain into power and the shit of life into fertilizer for your growth and profit. When you look back into the passing year, just give thanks for everything you went through because when a seed germinates its never in this same form it was buried with. I encourage you to use the failures of yesterday as the base lessons for your exponential growth in the coming year. Its time to realize that life should follow you and you should never allow life just to happen by default. You are the creator of your garden of Eden and the entire unformed infrastructure of your Eden is waiting to form into what you will declare. The door way to your destiny does not swing outwards but inwards because everything you need, you were born with and life is waiting on you to make a difference.  

Today take a good look at what is happening around you and if you don't like what you see, just know that it is a reflection of what is going on in the inner part of you. When you change your inner empire by coloring it with the beauty of what you desire, your outer empire will begin to conform to your inner empire.

Your life in the coming year is in your hand  

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