Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Be Yourself, BECAUSE Everyone ELSE IS TAKEN ~ Oscar Wilde

We have no choice of what colour we're born or who our parents are or whether we're rich or poor. What we do have is the choice over what we make of our lives once we're here.

~Mildred Taylor 
We live in a time where there is a higher temptation to live like everybody else. The temptation to conform and not to confront. The temptation of being in a gang for identity. A time where we are losing the essence of originality. The danger is that our environment will determine our destiny. If you are hanging around with nine (9) broke folks, then you are about to be the tenth. If you have toxic friends, the chances are that you are already toxic or on the way there. If you are in a circle of WhatsApp addicts who spend time laughing about what’s trending, the chances are that you are wasting just as much time as they are. Wake Up! You may be living a con life and it’s not yours!

Success is not about chasing what society has described to be the true color of success. It’s not about the car that you drive nor the Job that you have. Success does not abound in the things you own for they are just vanity. Society has kept everyone busy trying to chase what cannot be found and that is true success. Everyone is busy being busy trying to climb mountains that lead to nowhere in the hope they will get to the top and only discovering that it was the wrong mountain. Think about it! You may have been living other people’s agenda except yours. You have been living to meet other people’s expectations for the love off having cheerleaders. Your friends have prescribed your boundaries and you have been happily abiding by them for acceptance. Society has hypnotized you to assume a false identity. You have lost your power and given it to the so-called celebrities thinking they are cut from a different rare cloth.

It’s time to start living life on your own terms because that is what true success is all about. Living a life of freedom to express your God-given talents and gifts to impact other lives in a positive way. Living a life that everyone celebrates because you showed up on this earth. Living a life of self-acceptance and love, where you don’t need anybody’s approval to love yourself, your structure, your facial look, your skin color and above all where you came from. It does not matter where one starts their life, they can be born in a manger as long as they don’t come out of it as a ‘Cow’ but because they were born there, and everyone can celebrate the Manger as the symbol of 'Christmas'. It matters how one ends there life. Don’t laugh too early at anybody because you don’t know how their life story will end. Being a nobody today does not mean you cannot be the billionaire of tomorrow. Forgive those who despise you today because they can’t see the end of your story. I may not know you personally, but there is one thing I am certain about your life and that is you have greatness hidden in you and it’s just a matter of time before you explode for all to see. 

My encouragement to you today is that It’s time to start walking your walk and reflecting on your dreams.  Adopt your own language of destiny and start the journey. All you need is to make the decision for your life. It’s time to celebrate yourself.

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