Friday, December 15, 2017

What If the coming Year 2018 was a Beautiful lady of your dreams or Gorgeous Guy any woman wouldn't Ignore?

What would you Say to the beautiful woman or gorgeous guy before you to welcome them in your house or life?

It’s natural that we Speak in WORDS, Yet we think in PICTURES. I bet you would describe them by the flare of their garments, texture of their skin, the beauty of their smile, the Excellency of their mannerism and probably the kindness of their hearts even though you may not be sure about that. You would shower them with value descriptions that would make them feel like they are floating in the heavens and for a moment it would be like you were cut from the same cloth and the relationship was a match made in heaven with precision. Anytime you honor people with kind words, they try to fit your description of them with the right actions and courtesy towards you even it is for a moment just to ensure you get your praise worth. Whatever, you do in such scenarios is setting the goals of the relationship. It’s like  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe a German writer and statesman put it "Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them to become what they are capable of being

I submit to you today that as you look forward to the year 2018, think of the year like the man or the woman of year dreams. Describe the beauty you hope to see and experience. Put detail and color to what you hope to achieve, the people you wish to meet and connect, the new skills you want to explore. Explore your deep Imaginations of the things you have never done but you hope the beauty called 2018 would help you explore. Describe what you hope to do every day, week and months because it’s only what is planned that usually get done. Don't let your imagination down because it is the place where you can fashion your destiny or you can forge the weapons to destroy your own life.

If you want the year 2018 to be your best year, color the year with your best idea and be determined to execute it no matter how crazy the idea sounds. Remember, if nobody is laughing at your dream it’s possible that you are not dreaming big enough. Just talking about an idea does not make the idea work. Have and document an idea that you are willing to die for in 2018.

Pro 23:7 of the Christian Bible say "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he": Conceive in your heart your life in 2018 and Begin to describe the color of your year 2018 today and not when the year has already come for it's only a fool that begins to train when the game has lready started. Anticipate opportunities in 2018 and prepare for  them because, like one wise man once said its better to prepare for an anticipated opportunity and get ready for it than getting an opportunity that you are not ready for. Help the year 2018 to be what it ought to be for you and only you. 

Above all, have Faith that what you conceive in your heart, you will experience

Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favor.
~Brian Tracy

I am Out Bright

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