Monday, December 18, 2017

Turn the Horrible 3 C’s into the Amazing 3 A’s

To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven. 
~Johannes A. Gaertner

Is it not incredible how some people wake up every morning and they easily find something to complain about? It could be a spouse, a friend, children, their house and even about themselves. Somebody joked that such kinds of people will even complain in heaven about having nothing to complain about. Some are even complaining about the year 2018 even found faults in it before it finally arrives.

Every day is a gift to everyone, the sun shines without discrimination and the wind blows in its majesty at everyone’s door without asking for our names, color or gender. We all have the liberty to choose what we want to see in the new day. What anyone chooses to see is what they get. The day is full of everything and it provides everything in abundance whatever you need based on your belief. Those who choose to see scarcity, they get it in abundance and those who choose to see the beauty in it will get exactly that.
Choose to be the leader of your day and not the victim of it. Victims have a tendency to complain, criticize and condemn anything before even evaluating the scenario. This is because victims bring their past failures, hurts and disappointments into their present and hence, loose the opportunity to see the spotless future available before them. Victims are suspicious of everyone and don’t even trust their own shadow. Victims believe everyone in their immediate surroundings is up to no good. On the flip side of things, I would encourage someone to be a leader who has the ability to see abundance in the midst of scarcity, strength in weakness and opportunities hidden in failure. A leader builds other leaders through influencing by good examples, inspiration through their passion to perform and impact through their positive results.

If you work or manage others, and sometimes feel the need to use one of the 3 C’s – complaining, condemning, and criticizing – replace them with the 3 A’s of Accepting, Acknowledging, and Appreciating. See what the 3 A’s will do to the people around you. The smiles you put on their faces will be priceless

Accept people for who they are; acknowledge them for what they do; and appreciate them for just being around. Remember that when you appreciate others, your reputation and respect appreciates too. Whatever you appreciates will also appreciates in value in your life. Always give gratitude for what is before you because, whatever you are grateful for, will fill up your life. Do you have need to fill up your life with love, show some love to others this festive season and life will reciprocate hundredfold for you. In everything you encounter, whether its people, focus on seeing the good and beauty. Don’t take wonderful things for granted until you lose them. You will never appreciate the beauty in a spouse until they are gone.

Show gratitude this season of giving. It’s the cheapest yet precious gift you can give that help you reap a harvest from heaven. Gratitude helps reprogram your brains negative bias to a positive bias. Every morning write down a list of ten things that you are grateful for. Do this every day and see how you begin to turn your life into an eternal experience of joyful events. That’s the power of GRATITUDE

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