Friday, December 29, 2017

What I take into the New Year

"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." -Jimmy Dean

I do realize that everyone tries to blow the trumpet when a new year is about to show up with the out of date song which take the form of a resolution “It will be my best year to achieve my dreams”. However, I have more often than not seen how the majority still remain the old selves without any trace of change as the New Year progresses and ends. What is the problem? Is it the problem of the New Year or is it the person in the New Year? Whatever the answer may be for you, one thing I do know is that we get out of life who we are. Success grows only to the extent to which anyone grows to. As for me the following is what I commit to do in the New Year:

  • The life around me is a reflection of the life inside me: Therefore, if I want to change the life around me, I should start with changing my beliefs and mind-set. I should control what goes into my mind and watch every thought going on in my mind. I am the one who possess my mind and therefore, I am not my mind just like I am not my leg even though I possess the leg. My mind feeds on my past and always controls my actions based on my past experiences. Therefore, 2018 I commit to be in control of my life as it is today. I will install thoughts and beliefs that support my happiness and success.
  • Gratitude is the best prayer of all times. What you are grateful for will fill up your life. In 2018, I commit to start my day with a gratitude list of the things God has blessed me with. I will be grateful for everything little of significant. I will continue to do that until my life is filled with gratitude language only
  • A man’s gift will bring him or her before great men and women. In 2018, I commit to build my natural gifts for others to enjoy great value from it.
  • No one becomes a master of everything; I realize that one cannot undertake to travel a thousand routes at the same time and hope to get to where one is going. A thousand routes will get you to a thousand destinations. Therefore, in the year 2018, I commit to act, do, concentrate and achieve three important goals for my professional and business life. I will build habits and rituals to ensure I produce master pieces that will add value to others and earn income while doing it
  • No idea will work until I work it: Therefore, I commit to do and actualize the goals I have committed to. Having an idea without working it out is being delusional.  I will invest my mind-set, heart-set and emotional capital into planning and monitoring my progress towards achieving my goals
  • Everything in life takes the meaning which I give it. Fear is just a belief. Therefore, in 2018 I commit to give everything in my life the meaning that supports my happiness and success. I commit to remove words that do not empower my life.
  • Toxic people or complainants will infect anyone in their environment with negative energy. Therefore, in the New Year. I commit to delete toxic relationships or people from my life. One cannot fly as an Eagle while trying to swim with ducks.
  • "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." -Maya Angelou: in 2018 I commit to leave people I interact with better than I found them.
  • I have learnt in life that Rich people are bigger than their problems while Poor people believe they are smaller than their problems. In 2018, I commit to be bigger than any problem and will face problems that come my way with the mind-set that I am well able to deal with them. The Bible actually declares that greater is he that is inside you than the one outside. Anything coming my way knows that I am wired with the solution already
As the year comes into effect, don't just make decisions because many are still making decisions which they have been making for the last decade and never acted on anyone of them. Commit to act by putting down your goal on paper and act on it. I believe its the cheapest way to success

I wish you all who have taken time to read my articles. I say thank you very much may the Good Lord grant you peace and prosperity in the new year

NB: If you have an article on personal development and financial strategy that you feel you want to share with others on my blog feel free to send it. Just remember to include any attribution and references including your name. Send to:

See Next Year

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